Published Monday, March 13, 2023

A note from






Last week, a number of OCPAC Foundation’s board members were in attendance at the Oklahoma City Country Club to hear Lara Logan at the OKC Republican Woman’s Club event.

Among the points she made was that tyrannies expunge from society those who do not forfeit their Christian ideals and bow the knee to the tyrant.

Italian intellectual, Augusto Del Noce (“no-chay”) in his book, The Crisis of Modernity, said of life under a tyrant:

The remaining believers in a transcendent authority of values will be marginalized and reduced to second-class citizens. They will be imprisoned, ultimately, in ‘moral’ concentration camps. Totalitarian regimes silence their enemies by claiming that their arguments do not express rational motives, but rather "class" or "race."

Such describes the predictable nature of every variety of political fruit the foundational moorings of atheism produces.

Bertrand Russell’s 1903 essay, “A Free man’s Worship,” promoted the idea of man worshiping mankind itself. The essay tips its hand early on, as Russell begins by quoting Goethe's Mephistopheles (his Satan figure) addressing Dr. Faustus in a perversion of Christianity.

Though he considered “A Free Man’s Worship” quite a shallow piece, T. S. Eliot was troubled about negative impact Russell’s essay would have.

Eliot's first response to the secularist sentiments of Russell shook the literary world. He renewed his Christian faith, and in 1927, he was confirmed in the Church of England. Twelve years later, in 1939, T.S. Eliot published The Idea of a Christian Society.

In the book, he states that when we understand the political alternatives, it becomes clear that the Christian society is the only alternative to totalitarian rule. Eliot stated that Christianity was the only hope of mankind.

He said this:

The only alternative to a progressive and insidious adaptation to totalitarian worldliness is to aim at a Christian society. A Christian society only becomes acceptable when you have fairly examined the alternatives. We have observed the lamentable results of the attempt to isolate the Church from the World. The Churches business is to interfere with the World. What is often assumed, and it is a principle that I wish to oppose, is the principle of live-and-let-live.


T.S. Eliot used his considerable literary

skills to urge the church to understand

their obligation to do more than save

souls, but to glorify God by impacting

the condition of the state.


When I delivered to the office of Oklahoma’s Superintendent of Public Instruction the letter signed by Oklahoma pastors and leaders asking for God and prayer to be restored to our schools, a firestorm was ignited within the state. However, our proposal has caused consternation in other parts of the nation as well.

Each of those who signed the request for school prayer to Mr. Walters received a letter of protest from a source in California chastising us. Among other things, the letter stated that atheism has not been proven to be harmful to society.

We referenced atheism’s harmful impact on a culture because atheism is indeed the lens through which the world is viewed in our public schools. It is the reason that the paradigm of evolution is employed as the lens through which America’s next generation is taught science in our schools. Atheism permeates other disciplines as well. In the larger cultural arena, it is understood that atheism is the polite language of public affairs.

Complaints have also come from

Gannett, the Virginia Publishing House.

The Oklahoma branch of Gannett Publishing is The Oklahoman. The newspaper published an article last week highlighting the comments of the remaining Joy Hofmeister hires who are finding life uncomfortable in the more family-attuned leadership Oklahomans chose when they elected Ryan Walters.

In the article, Gannett Publishing does its best to paint Ryan Walters in a bad light in their Oklahoma newspaper, The Oklahoman.

Those who want education controlled by the unions are naturally upset by Oklahoma’s choice for Mr. Walter's leadership. He wants to remove our future generations from the grip of the unions and allow parents to raise their children as they see best.



Gannett is the publisher of The Oklahoman, USA TODAY, and many other "local" papers. Gannett is an advocate of China’s version of social credit scoring known in the U.S. as Environmental Social Governance (ESG). They are advocates of other policies promoted by cultural Marxism such as elements of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). If you purchase their local product, you’ll want to look into this further.

Get to know Gannett &

The Oklahoman better here.

It is time for the people of God to come out of our ecclesiastical closets, to stand in the public forums of America, and present ourselves as the sane and rational descendants of history’s majority that we are.

We are in the main stream of historic cultural leadership. We stand as the ideological descendants of those who built Western Civilization and founded America. 

Our opponents, those far-left fringe secularists who promote the lewd, the unnatural, and the ungodly are the ones ravaging, not building, a civilization.

The 20th century saw the few,

the Lenins, the Stalins, and those

tyrants like them, shove their way onto

the world stage only to disenfranchise, torture,

and murder the many.

It is what we see these same ideologues, always the few among us, doing in 21st century America today. It is a handful that is making the noise, burning the buildings, and exercising their voice through their infiltration of our government, the administrative offices of our educational institutions, and through their presence in our cities, our schools, our children’s libraries, and in Washington D.C..

As Christians, we need to re-evaluate the way we see ourselves, our churches, and our government. We need to come to grips with the fact that the foundation our Christian forefathers established has now, under our inattentive watch, been destroyed in our many diverse institutions.

For that reason, without the declaration of a national emergency in the education of our future generations, the shroud of secular darkness will encompass our beloved America for many years to come.

If not for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom, then for the sake of our children and grandchildren, we must devote ourselves to the task our forefathers, with bravery and foresight, achieved on our behalf.

We must, under the divine protection

of Providence, mutually pledge

to each other our Lives,

our Fortunes, and

our sacred Honor.

Eliot speaks to many of us today when he warned:

Some people cannot believe that things will ever be different from what they are at the moment. From time to time, under the influence perhaps of some persuasive writer or speaker, they may have an instant of hope; but an invincible sluggishness of imagination makes them go on behaving as if nothing would ever change.




Let us not slumber under the invincible sluggishness of imagination Eliot spoke of.

Let us be spoken of as the generation that restored the vitality of America by ensuring that Oklahoma fulfills our role as the heart and soul of America’s greatness.

We are in desperate need of returning

our nation and our state to Biblical foundations.

I want to draw your attention

to some high praise for OCPAC

Foundation Board member,

Senator Shane Jett Below.

See also the links to last week's

important meeting with Trump

Border Czar, Rodney Scott below.

Thank you for your activism.


Shane Jett has been drawing some high praise from some of our international traveling experts.







Rodney Scott's presentation send a chilling message regarding the radical difference between border security under Trump and security under Biden.

Rodney was another in a series of presentations which document the fact that our nation has been infiltrated at all levels.

He spent time with the crowd afterwards to answer specific questions.

You may watch the Rodney Scott

presentation again here.

You may watch the

entire meeting here.