Legislative Update 3.13.23
  • The first gun control legislation has passed the Michigan House of Representatives. House Bill 4138 and its two companion bills, which would establish long gun background checks for private party sales, passed on a party-line vote of 56-53 on Wednesday. The bills now go to the Senate for consideration.

  • Dr. John Lott returned to Michigan on Wednesday to testify against gun control legislation in the House Judiciary Committee. The committee decided its Red Flag and storage mandate bills need more work and postponed votes on the bills.

  • The Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee voted out its version of long gun background checks, Red Flag, and storage mandates. The storage mandate bill was amended to strip liability protections out of current law for federal firearms licensees in an attempt to put many Michigan gun stores out of business.

  • Michigan House Democrats introduced HB 4185 which would prohibit unaccompanied minors using or possessing air, gas, or spring powered guns outside of their property.

  • Michigan House Democrats introduced HB 4198 which would eliminate local government preemption leading to a patchwork of different gun ordinances throughout the state.

  • Michigan House Democrats introduced HB 4203 which would raise the age for private party firearms sales to 21.

  • Michigan House Democrats introduced House Bill 4211 which would create a 14 day waiting period for all firearms purchases. The penalty is a 90 day/$2500 misdemeanor on the seller for early deliver. This would cover all firearms and both gun store (FFL) and private sales. There is no exception in the bill for current concealed pistol license holders or immediate self defense situations such as for a person who has obtained an emergency CPL or personal protection order.

  • Michigan House Democrats introduced HB 4243. Titled the "Gun Seller Liability Act," the bill provides for strict liability for seller who transfers a firearm to a buyer if the seller should have known the buyer is a prohibited person. It also requires a minimum of $1 million in liability insurance for firearms dealers.

  • The Democratic majority in the House and Senate continues to limit opposition testimony to gun control bills providing supporters of legislation much more time to testify. Committee agenda are often published less than 24 hours prior to hearings. Gun control supporters have been heckling opponents in committee hearings with the acquiescence of committee chairs. The Senate has suspended its own rules to send House gun control bills directly to the Senate floor avoiding further hearings. We have been told the House will do the same with the Senate bills. Republican legislators are being gaveled down when speaking on on the House floor with their requests for procedural votes ignored.

  • The Michigan House will not be in session tomorrow and Wednesday. Gabby Giffords is coming to Lansing on Wednesday for a major gun control rally at the Capitol at 11 AM titled "A New Day in the Great Lakes State." Michigan Senate Democrats are anticipated to pass Red Flag, storage mandates, and long gun background checks on Wednesday timed to the rally.

A full list and the current status of all Michigan firearms legislation can be found HERE.
What More Can I Do?
Thank you to everyone who has contacted their state legislators in recent weeks expressing opposition to the dozens of new gun control bills being introduced and considered in Michigan. While it has not yet changed any Democratic votes, your emails and phone calls have solidified opposition to the bills among Republican legislators who are passionately fighting to protect self-defense rights and advocating for a greater focus on mental health.

Our members are reporting success in directly reaching legislators through social media. While emails are often answered with form responses sent by legislative staff, most legislators monitor their own Facebook and Twitter accounts. We encourage you to follow the social media pages for your state representative and state senator, making your opinion known to them on gun control legislation when they post on it. There are growing divisions among Democrats, particularly in the House Democratic Caucus, as to how extreme they are willing to go in attacking Article 1, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution.

The attorneys for the the various state and national gun groups are in the process of planning upcoming legal activity in response to recent legislation. This is a long process that will take years. It is also very expensive even with the attorneys working at reduced rates. While the State of Michigan has taxpayer dollars to defend new gun control laws, the MCRGO Foundation and other firearms groups depend on voluntary contributions to their legal funds. You can help by donating online HERE. Please select the "Firearms Legal Defense Fund." Donations of any amount are helpful.

Michigan Legislative Second Amendment Caucus Picnic
Saturday, June 24, 2023 from 11 AM to 1 PM
Northland Sportsmen's Club; 1592 Old Alba Road, Gaylord, MI
Open to MCRGO members, no RSVP is necessary.