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Monday, March 13th, 2023


Medical Freedom

Lew Rockwell

Post on GMU Statement

Joseph T. Salerno

Moveable Multipolarity in Moscow: Ridin’ the ‘Newcoin’ Train

Pepe Escobar

Biden’s 2024 Funding Proposal Is a War Budget and He Is Leading Us to War

Dave Lindorff

Saturday at the Nail Salon

Restoring Truth

Chart of the Month: Any Questions?

Charles Hugh Smith

The Banking Collapse Has Begun

Alexandra Bruce

Everything, All at Once

James Howard Kunstler

The 10 Rules of Propaganda

Brian Maher

Imperial Narrative Managers Always Try To Make Peace Seem Unnatural

Caitlin Johnstone

New Documents Prove FBI Entrapment Scheme For Jan 6th Protesters!

Ben Armstrong

Criminal Investigation for Excess Deaths Due to Remdesivir

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Political Theatre

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