URGENT ACTION NEEDED: We’re running out of time to STOP two corporate megaprojects that could push critically endangered orcas to EXTINCTION!

The Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion and the Roberts Bank T2 Terminal are threatening to WIPE OUT the last 73 Southern Resident orcas.

Big Oil tankers and cargo shipping traffic from these catastrophic projects would bring MILLIONS of barrels of dirty tar sands oil into fragile whale habitats, while increasing noise, water, and air pollution and driving away orcas’ critical food sources.

Orcas are already clinging to survival, and they’re just ONE oil spill away from being annihilated for good. Friend, this could be our very last chance to SAVE these beloved whales. Take action now to defend endangered orcas before it’s too late! >>

Massive vessels from these proposed corporate megaprojects would dump tons of toxic waste into the water, contaminating sensitive orca habitats. These ships would generate harmful noise pollution that doesn’t just cause severe stress for these endangered whales, but also interferes with their echolocation ability needed to locate food.

And food is already scarce as it is. The Pacific Northwest was once flowing with Chinook salmon, a vital food source for orcas. But corporate shipping pollution like oil spills and other human-caused threats have led to a drastic decline in these fish, leaving vulnerable orcas malnourished and starving.

Enough is enough. We can’t let greedy Big Oil companies and the shipping industry continue to profit off of the suffering of ENDANGERED orcas and the DESTRUCTION of our precious oceans! Orcas are counting on us to STOP these two corporate megaprojects while there’s still time left. Will you step up to protect these iconic sea animals? Add your name now! >>

Thanks for helping save orcas!
Friends of the Earth
