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Friend --
This is a jam-packed newsletter. There's so much happening at the
Council, and of course, a lot more is happening to the
District of Columbia by the powers that be. I'll get into that in a
moment, but I hope you and your family are doing well as we head into
the unpredictable days of March when the weather can't seem to make up
its mind. Spring is just around the corner - and I hope you survived
the lost hour today of daylight savings (remember to check those smoke
detectors). This is a long update, so please use the quick links to
jump around to the topics most relevant to you. As always thanks for
reading and I welcome your thoughts.
Quick Links: Hands Off DC | DCPS Lunch | Budget
Town Hall | Oversight | SW Seniors | ANC Visits | Public Safety | Teacher
Retention | Spy Museum | Health Link Breach | Monthly Basic Income | Medicaid Re-Enrollment | COVID
Centers | E-Bike Rebate | 4th St. SW | DPR Hours &
Lottery | Solar Installations | DC AG Listening Tour | Great Ward 6 Spring Clean | Office Hours | Caps
Hands Off DC

This was a tough week for DC statehood and autonomy. On Wednesday,
for the first time in three decades, the Senate voted
to disapprove legislation unanimously passed by DC's duly elected
representatives to modernize
the District’s 120-year-old criminal code. I joined hundreds of
residents and leaders from DC Vote, Neighbors United for Statehood,
NAACP DC, Don’t Mute DC, DC Justice Lab, and dozens of other
organizations that morning to demand Congress keep its
We know this was just political theater by House Republicans to
nationalize an issue and play politics. They didn't even try to hide
that. But as I tried to drive home at the rally, for DC residents,
it’s a very real threat. Home Rule is under attack and will be until
the District is a state and those in power on both ends of
Pennsylvania Avenue stand with us. House Republicans have already filed
a second resolution to disapprove the Council’s unanimously-passed
accountability and transparency legislation – a bill that’s
actually been law since 2020. It includes common
sense reforms, including many recommendations from law
enforcement, the Attorney General, and the Police
Reform Commission, like banning chokeholds, requiring body-camera
footage to be public after police shootings, and keeping bad apple
officers who commit misconduct in other cities and states from joining
MPD. But much like last time, most in Congress aren't going to pretend
to know or try to learn the details. DC leaders and neighbors must
stand united.
Tell your friends and family, tell your neighbors, and add your
name to Neighbors
United for Statehood’s petition to Congress and the President to
oppose disapproval resolutions and budget riders on DC’s local
Some reading from this week to help make sense of this fast moving
and ongoing assault on DC autonomy:
Related: I sat down with NPR's
Here And Now to talk about the challenges of trying to modernize
our criminal code when Congress can freely turn it into a political
mud fight.
DCPS School Lunch Tour
Last week, I spent half a day visiting several Ward
6 schools to check on meals and cafeterias - and yes, I ate lunch at
them all and might have eaten my body weight in chicken nuggets... I
did this regularly before the pandemic and am excited to start this
again. Since food service contracts with DCPS come before the Council,
it's a great way to see what food we're providing our kids. And by
sitting down to eat and talk with the kids themselves - they don't
hold back on sharing what they like and what they don't. This trip
took me to Payne Elementary, Maury Elementary, Stuart-Hobson Middle,
and Jefferson Middle schools. I looked at everything from food prep
and the equipment in each kitchen, to the meal itself and what was
most frequently ending up in the trash cans. I don't think we can
overstate how important nutrition is for growing kids and classroom
success. To check out more details from these visits, you can read my
longer recap and takeaways from my four-school tour over on my Facebook
Ward 6 Budget Town Hall Returns April 6
In less than two weeks, the Mayor will propose her city budget for
next year. It's a crucial time we're about to start to look at where
the priorities and needs are, and what changes we need to make. I
outlined several recommendations to the Mayor that I want to see
included in the budget - everything from schools and public safety, to
transportation and Ward project priorities, to helping vulnerable
neighbors make ends meet, to adding more pickleball courts! Read my letter here. What happens next? Once the
Mayor sends her proposal to Council, we hold weeks of hearings and
will vote on changes to the budget in May. But first, I will be
holding my annual Ward 6 Budget Town Hall on Thursday, April 6th. It's
a chance for me to walk through what's in the budget, what needs to be
added, and open up the floor to answer your questions and get your
input on your city's budget priorities. Stay tuned for more
information, but pencil in April 6 for an evening to dig deep and wonk
out on the budget. We'll be holding it in person and also provide a
way to participate online as well.
Council Wraps Up Oversight Hearings: Focus on
As the new Chair of the Council's Committee on
Transportation and the Environment, one of the first things we've
jumped into are the annual agency performance oversight hearings.
Oversight happens all year long, but these focused hearings on how the
agencies are working (or not working) are crucial steps before the
Mayor releases her proposed budget (more on that below). Over the last
couple of weeks, I've chaired detailed hearings on WMATA, the
Department of Energy and the Environment, DC Water, and more. The
hearing that got the most attention by the public was certainly the
Department of Transportation. We had nearly 100 neighbors from around
the city take time out to speak about the agency. The hearing lasted
just over 12 hours and we dug in deep on traffic safety, slowing
speeds, helping people move around the city, and how the District is
investing in the future of transportation for our residents and
I and my staff also spent time in oversight hearings for DC Public
Schools, Metropolitan Police Department, Department of General
Services (always issues with construction and maintenance), Department
of Parks and Recreation (checking in on several improvements to Ward 6
sites), the new Department on Licensing and Consumer Protection (why
is it so hard to get your business license renewed?!), and others.
Thank you to all the neighbors that emailed in their comments and
feedback so that we could help turn those into questions for agency
directors and improvements!
Visit with Seniors and Waterfront Village
Last week, I joined a great panel of speakers at
the Waterfront Village in Southwest meeting at St.
Matthews church focusing on senior safety issues. I was joined by
Captain Harding from the 1st District, leaders of the city's Safe at
Home program, and representatives from the District's agencies looking
to protect against fraud and abuse. It was a great discussion with
seniors around Southwest about everything from safe sidewalks and
intersections, to taking advantage of DC's Safe at Home program to make improvements and
adaptations to their homes to improve safety and livability, to how to
protect ourselves against people looking to take advantage of seniors
and steal personal and financial information. Thanks to Len Bechtel
for putting together a great meeting!
ANC 6A Visit and upcoming ANC Updates
This week, I joined ANC 6A for a check in to talk through several
priorities in the city and neighborhood. We talked about the economic
health of the city, our Metro system, RFK, public safety on H Street
NE, school issues, conditions at Sherwood Recreation Center, planned
upgrades at Kingsman Field and Dog Park, and much more. Capitol Hill
Corner has a nice write-up. This week, I'll be joining
ANC 6D and 6E to check in with them as well, and in the coming weeks,
I'll do the same with ANC 6C, 6B, and 6/8F. Thanks to all the great
work from our ANC Commissioners and I hope to see you at one of their
upcoming meetings soon!
Public Safety Updates
First, I want to share a little more detail from the dangerous
crash and arrest of four young people involving that took place
earlier this week near Brent Elementary. I connected with ANC 6B
Commissioner Frank Avery that afternoon to share updates. In talking
with MPD, the vehicle was stolen from outside of the neighborhood and
recklessly driven and crashed near Brent Elementary. Thankfully US
Capitol Police were fast to respond, coordinated with MPD, and the
four juveniles were arrested.
Second, in Southwest, MPD made an arrest from a December unlawful
discharge of a firearm that took place near the library. I also joined
a community meeting with ANC 6D Commissioner Rhonda Hamilton to bring
DC Housing Authority leadership to the table to hear the frustration
and fear from residents and push them for concrete action for
improvements. DCHA responded this week with detailed assessments of
the properties and outlining their plan of action. This work is in
addition to the regular, ongoing public safety meetings we're holding
at King-Greenleaf with MPD, community leaders, violence interrupters,
and others to focus on the specific causes driving violence in the
neighborhood and share information for more coordinated action.
Third, I wanted to share a bit about a tragic loss of life on D
Street NE earlier this week. What was initially reported as a stabbing
death taking place on the 1000 block of D Street NE has new
information. MPD has has confirmed that the incident and
injuries did not take place at the residence or on the
block. It apparently took place on Monday evening at a different
location. The victim then came home and it appears may not have sought
any medical attention. The next day on Tuesday afternoon, a call was
made that the victim was found unresponsive in their home and when
EMTs arrived, they noticed the stab wounds. So the report that went
out on the MPD lists indicated the block and a stabbing wound
(although, they did not know at the time that the wounds had taken
place elsewhere). Unfortunately, the individual passed away from their
injuries and the loss of life is being treated as a homicide. MPD and
others are working with the family to help support them and get what
they need in the follow-up and their investigation is ongoing. I know
neighbors are very concerned about any loss of life and I as get any
additional information, I’ll be sure to pass it along. But MPD also
wants to assure neighbors that there was no attack or violence that
took place on the block or immediate neighborhood related to this
tragic loss of life.
Finally, many of you replied back to me that the information about
MPD staffing levels was very helpful in the last
newsletter. I was really glad to hear that. During the MPD
oversight hearing, the Chief and I were able to outline the funding
and data around officer hiring - noting that while the Council has
been providing all funding needed for MPD hires of new officers (347
new officers this year alone), for the last two years they've been
unable to actually recruit and hire for the large number of positions
we've provided. That's not unique to our police department, it's part
of a larger trend impacting police departments across our region and
country - and its why we've invested so heavily in recruitment and
retention incentives for officers to join and stay on the force. In
case you missed it and want to review the details, you can click here.
As always, if you have any questions on public safety or specific
incidents, please feel free to ask and I'll work with you to get
Related: This Courtland
Milloy piece in the Post was very insightful and I am grateful for
his efforts to tell some of the stories behind the crimes we rarely
get to hear. I think this piece speaks to the challenges we are facing
in trying to drive down violent crime and why our efforts must entail
policing and accountability along with serious, targeted prevention
and interventions along with investments in families who are
struggling. And part of this has to be examining ways to we can
relieve stress on parents. That's just one of the benefits I see with
both my Metro For DC law and the Monthly Basic Income program. Let's
help put a little more money into these households' monthly budgets to
help them have more resources and bandwidth to be a parent.
DC Releases Teacher Data Showing Retention Struggles
Speaking of challenges recruiting and retaining
folks we need, there was troubling new data that came out last week
about teacher retention in our schools. The Office of State
Superintendent of Education released data comparing year over year
retention of teachers at DC public schools and DC charter schools. In
short, the news isn't good. For DCPS, only 70% of teachers stayed at
their school from last year - with 17% leaving teaching in DC
altogether. For our charter schools, the numbers were worse with 38%
of teachers leaving their schools. That instability across all sectors
isn't good for our educators, and it's especially bad for our students
and classrooms. We know the last few years have been incredibly hard
on educators and we've been pushing for the Mayor to take this more
seriously. DC needs to create a better environment to keep our
teachers - that can include flexible hours, more mental health and
behavioral health supports in the schools, and of course, better pay.
At the Council, I'm working with colleagues and have called for
investments in efforts like this. We've also been working on
legislation to create stronger pipelines and supports for our
educators. This week's release of teacher retention data makes these
efforts all the more urgent. I
put some more thoughts out on Twitter.
Ward 6 Night at the Spy Museum

We had a fantastic first-ever Ward 6 Night at the Spy Museum. In
total, more than 400 Ward 6 residents from every neighborhood in the
ward joined us. My team worked out to ensure we got tickets to our
public housing residents, our seniors, and community groups working
with young people to give them a fun and safe night out. I was
thrilled to meet many folks and have the chance to connect in a fun
and interactive museum. A big thanks to the team at the Spy Museum for
their thoughtful outreach and willingness to partner with our office
-- this was their first "Ward Night" and I hope they found it
successful. Let's do it again next year! A
few more photos on Instagram.
DC Health Link Data Breach
It was reported this week that DC Health Link had a serious data
breach for residents with a health plan through the exchange. I'm told
that they are working closely with the FBI on this investigation, and
DC Health Link is contacting every individual that was impacted. I can
share DC Health Link have contracted with a cybersecurity firm that is
working to fortify their system against any additional attacks. If
you're an enrollee with DC Health Link, you should be hearing from
them directly about next steps, which will include providing three
years of credit monitoring. They'll also be providing some form of
credit monitoring for every enrollee, regardless of whether they were
impacted or not.
Big picture, I've been pushing through the city's Homeland Security
Commission in recent years to strengthen our cybersecurity measures
and fully evaluate the systems and vulnerabilities across government.
This significant breach highlights the need because while offering
credit monitoring is needed, it's also coming too late to stop the
breach in the first place.
Families Who Earned Less Than $50,000 Are Likely Eligible for a
Monthly Payment
The top line message here? Do your taxes. Two years ago, I led the
Council to expand the local match to the federal Earned Income Tax
Credit, which helps provide additional cash to very low-wage
households, particularly those with children. That's a wonky way of
saying low-wage households (earning $20,000-$54,000) will receive a
larger tax return starting this year and moving forward -- and more
and more will see that benefit in a monthly check. In future years,
this benefit will grow and hopefully be a reliable way to help these
families make ends meet. The good news it that this is very easy to
enroll in - all someone needs to do is file their taxes. If they are
eligible for the program, they'll be enrolled automatically. If you
have questions, start here at the Office of Tax and Revenue's
dedicated website for the Earned
Income Tax Credit.
So anyone you know, especially a working parent, should really
apply before the April 15 deadline. Many low-wage workers are below
the required filing threshold, but if they don't apply, they're
leaving money on the table. Tip: If you earned less than $73,000 last
year, you can use the IRS'
Free File for your federal taxes, which is free as the name
Related: Last week, I joined my Ward 5
colleague Councilmember
Zachary Parker to introduce legislation to expand this monthly
basic income benefit to more low-income people who aren't eligible
right now. I'm excited to work with him and build on our initial
success this year.
A few other updates impacting neighbors working to make ends
- Thousands of our neighbors will see their monthly SNAP benefits,
which help pay for groceries, reduced this month, which will only
exacerbate their stress and challenges. The reductions were voted on
by Congress earlier this year as part of winding down pandemic
increases. That's one reason I've been pushing so hard this tax season
to ensure as many eligible DC residents are filing their taxes in
hopes of getting enrolled in our Monthly Basic Income.
- DC's Department of Human Services announced this week that due to
a high-volume of applications for emergency rental assistance, the
portal has closed as of this past Friday. This is going to be
distressing news to many of our neighbors who are behind on their rent
and are terrified of losing their housing. And it's another sign that
even as the District's recovery has been quite strong, it has not been
equitable. I'm going to stay engaged on this issue and certainly look
to understand how funds have run out so early in the year.
- For all seniors and other residents enrolled in Medicaid, a quick
heads-up: don't forget to re-enroll. Find
out all the information you need and Don't Wait to
COVID Centers Closing March 31, 2023
Last Friday, the Mayor announced she would close
the District's COVID Centers that have been open in each Ward since
January 2022. In announcing the closure, DC Health cited low rates of
COVID combined with high uptake in vaccination. I know many residents
appreciate these centers as one of the bright spots of the District's
response to COVID-19. I would love to have seen these sites remain
open or to use them creatively for not just COVID needs, but other
drop in services and needs for residents - from teens to seniors. For
anyone in need of a test or vaccine or booster, there are many options
available still. And should we see an uptick or a new wave, I would
fully expect the District to quickly mobilize to bring these centers
back. This should be in our game plan for any future pandemics moving
Some impressive stats from DC Health on the District’s COVID
Centers provided residents with:
- More than one million free masks;
- More than 80,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, boosters, and flu
- More than 400,000 rapid antigen COVID-19 testing kits; and
- Nearly 40,000 PCR tests.
For anyone in need of the services provided by the COVID Centers,
including COVID-19 vaccine, booster, or test kits, including
Would a rebate on a new e-bike help you in buying
one? Testify this Thursday.
Last month I introduced legislation to create a rebate program for
DC residents to purchase an electric bicycle, or e-bike. If you
haven't ridden an e-bike yet, you can try out the many great ones that
are part of DC's Capital Bikeshare program and see what you've been
missing. For day-to-day life, e-bikes offer a lot of solutions for DC
residents at all ages for most trips - including with children. There
are also a lot of benefits to the broader community to get more people
taking more trips on an e-bike. I've tried my best to design a bill
that makes this practical for lots of people, not just those who an
afford it. For instance, for our lower-wage residents, I propose that
they can receive the rebate at the point of purchase, rather than
getting it back as part of their annual taxes. Not everyone can afford
to put out even a few thousand dollars, so this helps speed it up. And
it includes funding for a lock, maintenance, and modifications for any
neighbors with a disability.
So how can we ensure this is the best possible policy? By debating
it in public. If you have thoughts, if you support the idea, the
Council needs to hear you. I'll be chairing a public hearing on
Thursday, March 16. Sign-up to testify with a quick email to
[email protected]. It's a remote hearing, so you can testify for
Ongoing Improvements to 4th St SW
Just a quick note for my southwest neighbors -- we are in ongoing
communication with DDOT and ANC 6D to keep improving the design of 4th
St. SW south of M Street. We've heard neighbors loud and clear that we
aren't there yet and need to do more to accommodate more types or road
users safely. This includes working on signal timing, pick-up drop-off
issues, and visibility between the sidewalk, bicycle lane, and travel
lanes. Now is a good time to make changes because the new street
design has been in place long enough for us to evaluate what the new
normal looks like.
Good News at DPR! Weekends and New Lottery for Camps
Last month, you might remember ABC7 covering my proposal to keep DC recreation
centers open on weekends. The goal is to transform our rec centers
to be more like our libraries -- places available for people and
community to come together, and especially to be sure our young people
have a place to be themselves. On the heels of that recommendation,
DPR announced it was expanding hours at some more rec centers on
weekends (they first expanded at Greenleaf Rec Center after I wrote
asking them to do so). While I applaud the expansion, let's not be shy
about expanding hours to Sundays as well -- people like to have
recreation on both days of the weekend!
In other good news, DPR will roll out a new way to enroll children
in their very popular summer camps. Many parents are familiar with the
high-stress enrollment process, as camp slots go very, very fast. Now
DPR has heard the cries of many folks who couldn't be at a computer
right at noon on a certain day and switched to a lottery. You
have from March 13 to April 5 to enter the lottery. Good luck!
Removing Roadblocks to Solar Installation
For years, I've received complaints from residents looking to add
small solar panel installations to their roof that regularly comes
with a surprise bill from Pepco to connect the system to the grid.
“Interconnection” is the last step before you can start to actually
generate electricity for your home from solar panels. Usually, Pepco
charges a reasonable interconnection fee, but sometimes residents get
5-figure bills, which is outrageous. I recently asked the Public
Service Commission—the body that regulates public utilities in the
District, like Pepco—to look into a couple of complaints I’ve
received. The PSC has begun the complaint process, and I hope that
there will be a positive result that allows the residents to move
forward. But while we are waiting, I want to encourage you to reach
out to me if you have received a surprise interconnection bill like
this. The PSC’s General Counsel is tracking this issue, so it’s
important that the PSC knows just how common these big bills are. I
also recently sent a letter to the PSC asking for more details about
their enforcement staffing and practices generally. The PSC has an
important role to play in helping the District reach our climate
change goals, and I want to be sure the PSC has the resources it needs
to enforce the rules.
Related: WAMU:
DC's Climate Change Response is in the Hands of an Obscure, Unelected
Attorney General Brian Schwab Listening Tour
Join me and your newly-elected DC Attorney General Brian Schwab at
Westminster Church next Thursday and share your concerns with DC's
juvenile crimes and civil prosecutor. You have questions or thoughts,
he and I are here to listen. Hope you can join us!
The Great Ward 6 Spring Clean is Coming! (add link for RSVP
and graphic if we have one)
On Saturday, April 1, we're organizing a clean-up
across Ward 6 and I want you to be part of it. RSVP
here if you're willing to give a little time to getting out in your
community and helping clean up. That could like like taking 15
minutes to just pick up trash on your block or in your alley, or
joining larger clean-up events. We'll have a few central sites and are
coordinating with other community leaders so that there are a bunch of
places to help out. We will distribute bags and gloves and have them
on-hand at our main Team Charles Allen sites. RSVP here and you'll get
updates as we get closer.
If you'd like to volunteer to help organize this effort or host a
clean-up in your own neighborhood, would you send Kimberly Kennedy on my team a
note? We can help support and get the word out. Kimberly is my point
person for this event.
Office Hours Continues on Friday
I'll be holding community office hours - Coffee with Charles, if
you will - this Friday morning at The
Pretzel Bakery. I'll be there from 9-10:30 am. Come by and let's
chat about whatever you'd like to know more about or flag any issues I
can assist with. RSVP
Tickets for Caps vs St. Louis Blues
Reply to this email if you'd like to be entered into a random
drawing for two suite tickets to the Caps vs. the Blues on this coming
Friday, March 17 at 7 pm. I'll notify you if you won by Wednesday. You
must be a Ward 6 resident to win, so please provide your address in
your email. C-A-P-S CAPS CAPS CAPS!
Whew. Long newsletter. Thanks for reading.
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen
