Good evening and welcome to our Weekend
This week, Biden unveiled a budget that
proposes $50,000,000,000,000 in debt and $4,700,000,000,000 in new
taxes – those are the numbers you should think of when you think of
Biden’s disastrous budget proposal.
Biden’s budget is a Tax and Spend
initiative. High levels of increased government spending coupled with
massive tax increases. This is anti-growth, anti-business, and will
harm the nation. Thankfully, with Republicans in control of the U.S.
House, this budget is dead on arrival. Reducing government spending is
the answer to dealing with inflation and our national debt. Our
nation’s road to prosperity must start there. Click
here to watch my “Mornings with Maria” interview on Fox

Additionally, I joined the “Morning
Agenda” on Newsmax to discuss Biden’s budget proposal. Again,
the Biden plan is more spending and higher taxes. Biden’s budget
proposal is just another reminder of the importance we elect a new
president in 2024. Click
here or below to watch my interview.

For two years in a row in Washington, D.C., there have been over
200 homicides, the highest city residents have seen in almost two
decades. D.C. City Council’s answer? They passed a law that would give
criminals reduced penalties for serious crimes like carjacking,
assault, rape, and even some types of murder.
Thankfully, the House kept its Commitment to America, and the
Senate followed its constitutional duty by voting to stop this
soft-on-crime law from taking effect. Speaker Kevin McCarthy held a
signing ceremony with everyday Americans who are frustrated about the
crime levels in their neighborhoods for Rep. Andrew Clyde’s House
Joint Resolution 26, which the Speaker signed and is now being sent to
President Biden for his signature.

Also, while in Washington, we recently passed legislation that
blocked the Biden administration's executive order requiring
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) to be a factor in
people’s 401k investments.
Additionally, we passed legislation to overturn the Biden
administration's executive order that increased regulations on Waters
of the United States (WOTUS). These burdensome mandates would
tremendously impact farmers in Pennsylvania’s 9th District and
nationwide if they were to go in place. Click
here to watch my floor remarks.
We also voted to declassify all Covid intelligence related to its
origins. The American public deserves to know the truth.
MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Biden’s budget can be summed up in a few
words… Higher Taxes, More Government Spending.
Here are some facts related to
Biden’s budget proposal:
A reality check on Biden’s fiscal record. Despite the
Administration’s delusional claims of reducing the deficit, the
nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects deficits between 2021
and 2031 will be $6 trillion higher than was projected when Biden took
Building on a record of irresponsibility. The
President’s own budget proposes $17.1 trillion in cumulative deficits
over the next ten years, with annual deficits reaching $2 trillion by
the end of the budget window.
The Biden Budget is a tax hike budget. The budget
request focuses on tax hikes that will hit millions of hardworking
Americans making under $400,000 and hurt the economy. The Biden
Administration allows tax relief provided by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
to lapse and layers on an additional $4.7 trillion in new and expanded
taxes. By the end of the budget window, taxes as a share of the
economy reach levels only previously seen during World War II.
The Biden Budget ignores our growing debt. The Biden
Budget would increase debt held by the public from $25.9 trillion in
2023 to $43.6 trillion by 2033. Gross debt rises from $32.7 trillion
at the close of this year to $50.7 trillion by 2033.
A new shameful record. Under the Biden Budget, debt
held by the public surpasses the previous record as a share of GDP
(106.1 percent) set in the wake of World War II in 2027 (106.3
percent). By the end of the budget, public debt as a share of the
economy hits 109.8 percent.
Fails again at funding defense. Ignoring the reality
of growing worldwide threats, the budget fails to adequately fund
defense. The Biden Budget proposes a minimal increase for defense in
2024, followed by funding levels that fail to keep up with inflation.
Irresponsible spending and no attempt to rein it in.
Over the next ten years, the Biden Budget would result in
$82.2 trillion in cumulative spending, including $2.5 trillion from
new mandatory spending proposals.
Spending future generations into oblivion. The Biden
Administration’s reckless borrowing causes interest costs to continue
to mount, going from $661 billion in 2023 to $1.3 trillion in 2033.
Over the 2024-2033 window, interest costs will total a staggering
$10.2 trillion.
More gimmicks, fewer cures. The Biden Budget fails to
put major trust fund programs on a sustainable path, instead kicking
the can down the road with accounting gimmicks, tax increases, and
price controls that will reduce life-saving drugs and treatments.
As I have stated, our nation’s future
success rests on reducing government spending and reducing taxes on
hardworking American families and entrepreneurs. We can’t make goods
in America if we are going to tax small businesses and manufacturers
more than Chinese goods are taxed. Unfortunately, the Biden
administration just doesn’t understand this as they continue to
embrace an extreme liberal agenda rooted in “Woke” policies. We need
to elect a new president who will prioritize American families and
workers over fulfilling the agendas of a left-wing ideology.
The way government works, there is a lot
of waste. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. But it
doesn’t mean that’s the way it has to be. That’s why my office has
worked incredibly hard to save taxpayer money by operating our office
more efficiently. By doing more with less, we are showing Washington
that spending can be done in a responsible and pragmatic manner. This
year, we came in under budget by $276,000 and returned that to the
U.S. Treasury.
Additionally, our dedicated team has
worked to return $4,028,295 to our constituents. The casework involved
working with 17 different agencies resolving disputes ranging from a
few hundred dollars to several hundred thousand dollars. Click
here to read more.
Yesterday, after a long week in
Washington, I had a great time kicking off the St. Patrick’s Day
festivities this month at the Pottsville St. Patrick’s Day parade! My
wife Shelley and I walked the route with State Representative Tim
Twardzik, Register of Wills Theresa Gaffney, and Schuylkill County
judicial candidate Bill Burke.

Regarding the Silicon Valley Bank, as a
member of the House Financial Services Committee, we have been closely
monitoring the situation all weekend, as well as the national banking
environment. As the FDIC process continues, I remain in touch with the
FDIC and other federal regulators. The FDIC has the ability the
resolve this bank failure in a timely and responsible manner. I will
provide additional updates tomorrow.
Until next week, God bless, and see you