
Hi John,

It’s another week in the #TxLege session, which means more shenanigans that we need your phone calls to help stop! . . . But first — one $15 donation, John.

That’s what we’re asking you to contribute today to help fund a billboard in front of the Governor’s mansion here in Austin. We’ll explain more, but if you can make that $15 donation right now, please use this button:

Chip in $15
Chip in more

Alright, here’s what’s been happening: The fight over our public schools has gotten ugly.

First, it was just several Republican leaders in the Texas State Legislature who’d flip-flopped on supporting our public schools—signaling that, no matter the opposition, school vouchers would be a legislative priority this session.

Now, efforts to gut our public schools have escalated even further. Governor Abbott has come out in full support of Senate Bill 176 and even actively encouraged parents to opt out of the Texas public school system.

This unprecedented attack on our public education system is unacceptable. Public school is the bedrock of our democracy and democratic principles. So Mothers Against Greg Abbott is responding with a new campaign to show our public educators and our public schools that we stand with them — not with the Texas GOP.

And we need your help. We only have three days left to reserve key billboard locations here in Texas. Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, we’ve already been able to reserve two billboards of the three we’ve planned. Now, we only have one more billboard to go . . .

Can you send a $15 contribution to Mothers Against Greg Abbott today? Every donation helps get us closer to our goal — three billboards that stand up for public education.

Donate $15 Now

With our public schools project, we have a tremendous opportunity to stand up for the Texas teachers who stand up for our kids every single day. Thanks for being here. Together, we can show the GOP that they can’t mess with Texas public schools.

Nancy Thompson
Mothers Against Greg Abbott

Now on to the state capitol . . . .

Tomorrow, Monday, March 13th @ 10:30AM, one of Lt. Gov. Patrick’s priority bills — discriminating against transgender college athletes — is up for Senate committee hearing.

Senate Bill 15 would require transgender athletes in public colleges to compete based on the gender listed in their birth certificates. Why is this a priority when only 34 transgender athletes participate in women’s college sports across the country?

Because Dan Patrick wants Texas to make an anti-LGBTQ statement — disguised as legislation. We need mothers and others like us to speak out against it.

Call the members of the Senate State Affairs Committee tomorrow and tell them we don’t support bills like SB15 that marginalize our LGBTQ community. We need YOU to “Fill the Lines” !

Next up is another big opportunity to stand up for our public schools . . . .

Monday, March 13th @ 10:00AM, the House Ways and Means Committee is holding a hearing on House Bill 2, which provides more than $17 billion in school district property tax compression.

We aren’t against property tax relief. But here’s the problem: We aren’t funding our public schools. And the Republicans haven’t committed to funding public schools despite a $33 billion surplus.

How can we support school district property tax compression without knowing whether and how our schools are going to be fully funded?

That’s where we need your help: Call the members of the House Ways and Means Committee tomorrow and tell them we need #TxLege to commit to funding our public schools!

Save the Date - Lobby Day

We will be descending on the Texas Capitol on May 4th for the second annual Mothers Against Greg Abbott Lobby Day. We are still working through the details, but please save the date!!