News from Representative Darin LaHood

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Dear John,

Addressing abuses of FISA and civil liberties protections with FBI Director Chris Wray    

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This week, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence held our annual hearing on Worldwide Threats with the top Intelligence Community officials. At the hearing, I pressed FBI Director Christopher Wray on abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and Section 702. The FBI’s inappropriate querying of a duly elected Member of Congress, who I believe was me, is an egregious violation that not only degrades trust in FISA and the Intelligence Community but is a threat to the foundational values of our democracy.

Reauthorization of Section 702 without reform is a non-starter. As Chair of the Intelligence Committee's FISA Working Group, I am committed to achieving meaningful reform while also protecting our national security.

Read more: Washington Examiner: GOP warns of 'trust' deficit facing FBI's FISA renewal push

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I also joined Dana Perino on Fox News this week to discuss our work on the Intelligence Committee to protect the civil liberties of all Americans. FISA is an important tool for our Intelligence Community to protect Americans from foreign adversaries and terrorists, and I've seen this first hand as a former federal prosecutor. But there have been serious violations and abuses of the system against Americans that must be addressed and reformed. 

Watch: Fox News: Alleged FBI targeting ‘highlights the trust issue’ with the FBI: Rep. Darin LaHood

Advocating for Illinois farmers against harmful WOTUS rule

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I voted this week to end the Biden Administration's overreaching and unnecessary WOTUS rule. The WOTUS rule puts an unnecessary burden on family farmers and rural communities in Illinois. We must work to provide certainty for our agriculture producers and I will always advocate for Illinois farmers. 

Watch: Rep. LaHood | Opposing Harmful WOTUS Rules

Pressing Treasury Secretary Yellen on taxes and Biden's budget

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The Biden Administration is surrendering in global tax negotiations and it threatens American workers and businesses. At our Ways and Means Committee hearing with Secretary Yellen on President Biden's proposed budget, I pressed the Secretary on the negative effects of the Biden Admin's tax policies and global DSTs.

Watch: Rep. LaHood | Questioning of Secretary Yellen at Ways and Means Hearing

Congress votes to declassify COVID-19 origins intelligence info

I voted this week to declassify intelligence information on the origins of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted every American family, and they deserve answers about how the pandemic started and where the virus came from. Our Intelligence Committee GOP report outlined the scope of culpability of the Chinese government, failures of relevant information sharing by the Intelligence Community, and evidence that adds to the credibility of a lab leak incident. Uncovering the facts of the COVID-19 origins and declassifying that information is an important step towards ensuring our country is never vulnerable to threats like this again

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I also joined Chuck Todd on Meet the Press this week to discuss US-China relations, the origins of COVID-19, and our work on the Ways and Means Committee and the Select Committee on the CCP to strengthen America's economic competitiveness. 

Watch: NBC: China’s biggest fear is ‘bipartisan support' against Beijing,’ GOP congressman says

Visiting with 16th District constituents


Thanks to the Illinois Farm Bureau for stopping by during their visit to DC. I appreciate all they do to advocate for Illinois farmers. In this Congress, we will push for a Farm Bill that protects Illinois agriculture, work to expand trade opportunities, and bolster our lock and dam system.


Enjoyed spending time with VFW officials from Illinois. Our veteran community deserves nothing but the best when they return home. In Congress, I’ll continue to work with the VFW and vets throughout IL16 to ensure those who served our country get the support they need.


Illinois has a rich history of sound leadership and service to our country. The Dirksen Congressional Center in Pekin is the leading research org to understand Illinois’ role in American and Congressional history. They continue to carry on Everett Dirksen’s legacy of servant leadership. Thanks for having me this week!


Grateful to the staff at the John Evans Supportive Living Facility in Pekin for inviting me to visit their facility this week. I met with residents in the community and learned about the programs offered. Thanks for all you do in the community!


This week, I visited and toured Alto Ethanol in Pekin. Ethanol is a vital part of Illinois’ ag economy. Whether it’s defending the RFS or working to increase market access, I will continue to advocate for our ag community on the Ways and Means Committee and in Congress.

As always, thanks for subscribing to my newsletter!


Darin LaHood
Member of Congress

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