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ANSWER Coalition

Dear Friend,

I am writing because I know that you care just as much as I do about the growing danger of global war. During the Trump administration, the Pentagon adopted a new strategy to prioritize major conflict with China and Russia. This strategy is designed to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. By preparing for war with major powers, it becomes all the more likely as all sides climb the escalation ladder. The Biden White House accelerated this trend. All the nuclear arms treaties from the Cold War era have been destroyed. With no one pumping the brakes, the U.S. is hurtling toward military confrontation with the other nuclear powers.

Instead of entering good faith negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, the U.S. is set on escalation. Hundreds of billions of dollars of more advanced weapons are being shipped to Ukraine. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the goal is to “weaken Russia” forever. Instead of cooperating with China, the U.S. is sending weapons and troops to Taiwan. This could not be more reckless or more dangerous!

The people of this country need to act and we are! A new anti-war movement is being built right now in the United States. Nothing is more important!

Thousands of people will be converging on Washington, D.C. on Saturday, March 18, the 20th anniversary of the criminal “Shock and Awe” invasion of Iraq. That was a war based on lies. Hundreds of thousands died needlessly. Yet, the lesson of the Iraq war is unlearned. Militarism and the threat of an even larger war is growing daily. 

The U.S. is now spending almost $1 trillion each year for death and destruction. That’s greater than the next 20 countries combined. At the same time, poverty and homelessness is growing. We have to ACT NOW!

The ANSWER Coalition has been an anchoring force for the anti-war movement for more than 20 years. We helped create a broader coalition of organizations for the March 18 action that are uniting for a new-anti war movement. More than 200 organizations are now building for the March 18 action. Volunteers are now working around the clock to make March 18 a huge success.

Major mobilizations also require huge expenditures. Renting buses (more than $2,200 for each bus from New York City, for example), renting stage and sound, producing tens of thousands of leaflets and posters, other logistical equipment – all of these expenses must be paid now.

I am asking that you make an urgently needed donation today. All donations are tax-deductible contributions. We can continue to do this work with you but not without your help.

In addition to the demonstration in Washington, D.C. there will be coordinated actions that day in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and several other cities.

I hope to see you in Washington, D.C. on March 18. If you would like to come to D.C. but can’t attend for personal reasons, you can show your support and commitment to this effort by making a much needed financial contribution.

All out on March 18!

National Director, ANSWER Coalition



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