John –

Last week Walgreens announced it would not sell legal, FDA approved medications in more than 20 states to appease the extreme views of GOP elected officials who dominate those states.

It’s nothing new that the GOP is blocking access to medications that aid women in obtaining safe and legal abortions. But to have the second largest pharmacy in the United States groveling to the GOP’s political will is certainly something new.

Join me today in sending a message: If Walgreens isn’t willing to stand up for women across America, we are not willing to shop there. We won't be silent while Walgreens imposes a draconian, far-right agenda on America’s women.

Let’s be clear, this isn’t a threat in Minnesota. Yet.

But that doesn’t mean there’s any room for inaction from Minnesota women and our allies. 

We must send our message to Walgreens. If they're going to push extreme right ideology on women across the country, we’ll shop at a store that supports our values.

Send a message now: Tell Walgreens to reverse course now and stand up for women’s rights nationwide.

Thank you!




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States