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Weekend Edition, March 11-12, 2023


Status of the Everything Bubble Created by the Fed

David Stockman

Dear Conservatives, I Apologize

Dr Naomi Wolf

Service With a Sledge

Tim Hartnett

A Permanent Wartime Economy

Jeff Deist

Masters of the Universe??

L. Reichard White

The Bulk of This Population Has Been Rendered Mentally Harmless by the Elimination of Individuality

Gary D. Barnett

Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s Ground Zero

Michael Bryant

Repentance and Reparations For Coronamania

Mark Oshinskie

The War for the Dollar Is Over: The Fly or the Windshield?

Tom Luongo

Transgender Activists Are a Lot Like Pennywise the Clown

Brandon Smith

If AI Can’t Overthrow its Corporate/State Masters, It’s Worthless

Charles Hugh Smith

Jason Chansley: “Donald Trump Has Asked Everybody To Go Home…We’re Going To Obey Our President!”

Alexandra Bruce

Political Theatre

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