Our goal is to build a grassroots army of over 45,000 activists who will pledge their support to closing that 2016 gap and flipping Minnesota red to help us win on Election Day in November.
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President Trump lost Minnesota by only 44,765 votes in 2016. That’s 1.52%

John, we’re not letting that happen in 2020, and I’ll tell you why.

1. President Trump is committed to Minnesota. Not only has he delivered wins for Minnesotans like historic tax cuts, a tax code overhaul and a commitment to our industrial and forestry workers, he’s also sent a team to our state to ensure conservative voices are heard and votes are counted.

2. I’m running for Senate. Minnesota deserves better than Tina Smith, a reliable rubber stamp for Chuck Schumer and national Democrats. It’s clear that Tina answers to the liberal special interests and coastal elites who are bankrolling her campaign, NOT Minnesotans. I’m proud to be running on conservative values, the same values that I know can turn our state around and create a brighter, stronger future for all of us.

I’m proud to have President Trump’s endorsement, and together, I know he and I can flip Minnesota red to continue Making America Great. 

Here’s where you come in, John. We need your support now more than ever. 

That’s why I’ve set up the 45K for 45 Fund. 

Our goal is to build a grassroots army of over 45,000 activists who will pledge their support to closing that 2016 gap and flipping Minnesota red to help us win on Election Day in November.

So, can President Trump and I count on you?
< Make a pledge to the 45K for 45 Fund >

Your support is critical to securing President Trump’s presidency and the future of Minnesota. Making a pledge early will make a statement to Tina Smith, Chuck Schumer and all of the Left’s special interests that Minnesota is not going to tolerate any more liberal political games.

Thank you for joining us in this fight,

Jason Lewis

Jason Lewis

Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

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