
As one of the only Democrats who won a Senate race in a Trump-won state in 2018, I know exactly what it takes to overcome the odds and win.

But let me tell you, folks, there’s no secret sauce.

There’s no shortcut to winning in a red state. I just get up every morning and fight like hell to represent Montana families in the U.S. Senate.

The truth is, whether you live in our cities and towns or on a family farm like me, everyone wants their representatives to fight for the same priorities: affordable health care, lower costs, and a government that answers to the people, not wealthy special interests. 

But the message isn’t getting through to many of my GOP friends in the Senate. They’ve let special interests, dark money groups, and billionaire-funded super PACs run rampant in Washington, and they’ve got no plans to stop.

Well, I’ve had it with this B.S. And I’ll bet you have, too.

Montana deserves a fighter in the Senate who’s ready to go to bat for everyday folks — not the special interests who line politicians’ pockets. I know what it takes to win — but I can only do it with your help.

Chip in any amount today to send me back to the Senate in 2024:

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I’m working to deliver results for Montanans, and I’m not stopping yet. We’ve passed important legislation that will benefit working families for years to come. We’re fighting to lower costs and make sure our kids and grandkids have access to quality public education.

But we’ll need to win in November to keep building on that momentum. There’s certainly no secret sauce to doing it, but with your help, I know we can beat the odds once again.

Thanks for being a part of this. I’m honored to be in the fight with you.

– Jon