Notes from Mike's Desk from the Weeks of March 6 – March 10, 2023
Hello, friends! Welcome back to my newsletter highlighting what’s happening on Capitol Hill and in Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District. Thank you for subscribing and please consider recommending my newsletter to a friend.
Thursday, the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government held our second hearing of this Congress, and it was illuminating. We invited Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger – two of the reporters who have exposed the Twitter Files – and their testimony was jarring.
During my questioning, Taibbi said the Twitter Files is “by far, the most serious thing I’ve ever looked at. It’s certainly the most grave story I’ve ever worked on.” Shellenberger echoed the same: “I never thought in this country that freedom of speech would be threatened in this way,” he said. Watch their responses to my questions by clicking the photo below:
That video above has curiously received only limited visibility on Facebook, but even though it may be blocked on that platform, at least Twitter and Elon Musk are helping us spread the word about the partnership that has existed between the Biden Administration and the social media giants to unconstitutionally censor Americans’ free speech!
We do not have time to play politics with our national debt. As it stands, the US government spends $197,000 per second, or $12 million per minute. Our national debt is approaching $32 trillion, and Republicans seem to be the only party in Washington that’s listening to these alarm bells. We must restore fiscal sanity, and as the party in control of the purse strings, we will not waver in this pursuit. I made this case during a floor speech this week:
I joined Fox and Friends Thursday morning to discuss the recent revelations that Dr. Anthony Fauci shut down debate regarding the origin of COVID-19 in February of 2020. This virus claimed a million American lives and forever altered our economy – it’s imperative that we fully understand its origins and hold those accountable who sought to conceal them.
I also joined The Bottom Line on Fox Business – a great new show – to discuss our Judiciary Committee’s subpoena of Nina Jankowicz, Director of the Disinformation Governance Board. Listen here:
Natchitoches Parish! We are hosting a town hall near you next week. On Tuesday, March 14 at 9am, I will be hosting a town hall at the Natchitoches Event Center. All are welcome – we hope to see you there, and have your questions ready! See below for full details.
Southern Living Magazine recently selected Natchitoches as one of the top 50 small towns in the south, and the best in Louisiana. It’s a beautiful town with exceptional people, and I count myself fortunate to represent them in Congress!
Thank you again for subscribing and reading. We’ll have more soon!
For freedom,