John —
Millions of families across Türkiye and Syria are still recovering from the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated the region last month. Their homes, hospitals and schools have been reduced to rubble. Staying warm is a challenge for many as temperatures fall. Food, water and other basic necessities have been difficult to access.
The scale of the earthquake's devastation has been overwhelming — but so has the incredible generosity of supporters like you.
The outpouring of generosity from our community of humanitarians helped deliver immediate assistance to displaced families and through our partners on the ground. We launched an integrated response to support affected communities in northwestern Syria and Türkiye as needs soar in both countries.
Along with assistance to meet their immediate needs, these families will be grateful to hear that compassionate people across the globe are thinking of them. We're aiming to deliver 10,000 notes of encouragement from humanitarians like you. Please, take a moment to help us reach our goal and raise the
spirits of families recovering from this disaster.
It's such a simple thing — a short note from a stranger in an unfamiliar place may not feel like much. But for families who have lost everything, these messages of compassion and hope are comforting.
In difficult times like this, I'm reminded of this community's incredible outpouring of support. These small acts of kindness inspire us to keep going, allowing us to reach as many people as possible as they seek to recover from tragedy and rebuild their lives.
We want to make sure that families in Türkiye and Syria hear from you as well. That's why we set a goal to send 10,000 messages of hope to families whose lives have been uprooted by this awful tragedy. Please, take just a moment to share your message of hope with a family today.
Thank you, again, for sending the gift of kindness and compassion to the people we're so proud to serve.
— Hank
Hank Walter
Senior Officer, Supporter Communications
International Rescue Committee