John –

We wanted to be sure you didn’t miss this. Environmentally friendly investing strategies help people, organizations and even states put their money to work for the future of our planet.

But these options are in peril from GOP controlled states who refuse to do business with any investment firms who engage in these strategies.

Julie and her colleagues sent a letter letting these states know that we’re not backing down. Add your signature now if you agree!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Julie Blaha
Date: Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 5:57 PM
Subject: Add Your Voice: Our Stand for the Free Market


John –

I’ve joined Auditors, Treasurers, and Comptrollers from states across the country in denouncing the short sighted tactics of GOP legislatures in red states.

These GOP dominated legislatures have enacted bans on financial firms that engage in ESG (environmentally responsible) investment tactics.

Not only is this shortsighted for their own states, but they threaten the options available to us in states that believe in science and want to make decisions that will benefit our future.

Please, take a look at the letter we sent, and then add your signature if you agree!

This isn’t about pushing a political agenda, this is about allowing the free market to work.

The GOP is all for the free market when it’s exploiting workers and lining their pockets, but when the market is worried about the long term effects of investments in coal and other polluting industries, they change their tune fast.

The fact is that the GOP is scared. Big coal, big oil and other polluters have long lined their pockets to look the other way. They don’t want that gravy train to come to an end, no matter the cost.

We can fight back together. If you agree, add your name now and make it clear that you’re in the fight for the long haul.

Thank you!





Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States