Love informational stickers? So do we!
Developing outreach materials that people of all ages will enjoy and learn from can be quite a challenge. That's why we're asking for your feedback on these sticker ideas!
 Share your sticker feedback with us by taking the short survey:
Your Browntail Checklist for March:
Recognize browntail moth winter webs on the branch tips of their favorite host trees (oak, elm, birch, poplar, cherry, fruit, and ornamentals).
Remove the winter webs before the end of March while the rash-causing caterpillars are still inside and the trees are still dormant.
Recruit help from a licensed arborist or an FAA certified commercial remote pilot with a specialized vehicle to remove webs out of your reach. If web removal isn't possible due to the height or quantity of winter webs, recruit a licensed pesticide applicator who can treat trees in early spring to kill the caterpillars.
Reach out to your neighbors, co-workers, or businesses if you recognize browntail moth winter webs so plans can be in place to remove the webs.
- Take the Browntail Moth Sticker Feedback Survey to help us make improvements on future stickers.
- Host a web-clipping event to clip browntail winter webs in your community.
- Enjoy spring in your backyard with fewer browntail caterpillars!
DACF Calendar Events:
Listen to Entomologists Talk about Browntail Moths on Maine Calling March 17, 2023, 11:00 AM (Tentative) Cost: Free Location: Radio & Online MFS Entomologists Tom Schmeelk and Allison Kanoti, Maine CDC's Megan Porter, and State Representative Allison Hepler will be among the guests engaging in conversation with the show host and listeners about browntail moths on an upcoming episode of Maine Calling.
Host Your Own Web-Clipping Event! March 2023 Cost: Free Location: Your neighborhood! Host your own neighborhood event! Some ideas for activities include mapping infestations on the town and public properties, hosting public service web-clipping events, creating contests for the most webs clipped or other community, and knowledge building activities. Use #KnockOutBTM on social media! It's a great way to stay in touch with your community during the winter season, and it's an even better way to reduce browntail populations to protect you, your family, and your neighbors.
For more information:
Visit the Maine Forest Service webpage, explore the resources, and subscribe to news bulletin topics. Review and share news and events, FAQs, and management techniques. Test the BTM interactive map and read the latest research.