If you're looking at the devolution of our system and wondering how on earth you can possibly survive, Selco has an article that should really help you
to put things in perspective.
Check out his advice for surviving the Balkanization and collapse that we're witnessing in America. Here's how to start now by tapping into a dual system.
Do you foresee this
kind of Balkanization happening where you are? Are you already seeing evidence of a dual system where you live? Do you have some examples you can share of such a system?
As things continue to go sideways, medicines become difficult to acquire, and insurance covers less and less, it's time to figure out how to take some things back into your own hands.
Take a look at Cat Ellis's course, the Herbal Skills Intensive. By the end of this on-demand course, you'll be able to make several different kinds of herbal medicine and begin managing at least some health considerations with easily acquirable herbs. Take this on your own time and take control of your health.
This weekend, we're offering 65% off the price of this course. Grab it for a steal today.
Would your home security stand up to widespread civil unrest, burgeoning crime rates, and a starving population? Jose shares the secrets he learned in Venezuela.
Our kind of reality TV is a bit different. Forget the shows designed to make us look like fruitcakes. Check out some programs that showcase real survival skills