Aloha Friends and Neighbors
This week was the First Crossover of the 2023 legislative session. The Republican Representatives took all of Monday for an in-depth study session with the staff and research team to ensure they were making informed decisions on each and every bill. There was a lot of debate on the floor this past Tuesday, with each of our Republican Rep's rising to speak up on important issues. 

What is First Cross Over?
Once the final vote has been taken, all remaining bills cross over to the opposite chamber where they will be referred to committees and voted upon. The House bills will cross over to the Senate and the Senate bills will cross over to the House.

The following measures have PASSED the first crossover and are moving to the Senate. To track these bills, submit testimony, and more, visit the capitol website or click the bill numbers below. 
Rep. Matsumoto
HB 942 - Relating to Emergency Medical Response
HB 1145 - Relating to Adult Changing Stations
Rep. Alcos
HB 1437 - Relating to Crime
HB 1206 - Relating to State Permitting Office
The following bills have been heavily debated on the floor. Read more about them with the links below:

HB 426 - Relating to Firearms

HB 981 - Relating to Criminal History Background Checks

HB 132 - Relating to Elections

HB 1336 - Relating to Criminal Justice Reform

SB 1 - Relating to Abortion
Today was the last day to file a Substantive Resolution.

What is a Substantive Resolution?
Substantive resolutions may request action from any government entity, or reinforce the Legislature's position on a particular issue, but do not have the effect of law.
This week each of our Republican Representatives spoke in support of life and freedom at the rally to support midwives. 
This week Representative Ward celebrated a milestone birthday this year! His office and the Republican caucus surprised him with celebration and commendation for his many years of service.
Today was Tourism Day at the Capitol to celebrate and inform our legislators about the hospitality industry. Representative Matsumoto was asked to dance hula as she walked from booth to booth meeting the many vendors.
Rep. Pierick visited Hickam Elementary School where he met with students and answered their questions about how the government works. 
Rep. Alcos attended the Campbell High School Rally for both their boy's and girl's basketball teams that won the OIA Championships this year. 
Rep. Garcia visited Kapolei High School today and shared about the legislative process with the students. 
Rep. Ward hosted one of his regular Beer Summits with a special guest, House Speaker Scott Saiki. 
Capitol Convos is an opportunity for conservative Representatives to invite the public into the legislative session. We share information on what is going on at the capitol, how to get involved in the legislative process, address important community issues, and, answer your questions.
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If you have any comments, questions, or concerns that you would like to be addressed by your Representatives, please do not hesitate to reach out! Visit the capitol website for contact information. 

Hawaii State House Republican Caucus
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