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One of the top issues I hear about from Iowans, especially from our farmers, is the Obama-era Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule, that the Biden Administration is trying to bring back with a vengeance.


Under this rule, 97% of Iowa land would be subject to federal regulation. This is the Biden Administration’s way of telling Iowans they don’t trust us, and instead, they want to increase the power of D.C. bureaucrats who have never even stepped foot on an Iowa farm.

This week, I voted to denounce this proposed power grab that undermines property rights of Americans and hurts our farmers who feed and fuel the world, all while working to be conscious caretakers of our environment.

Additionally, I introduced the bipartisan PRECISE Act – legislation that makes it easier for farmers to access precision agriculture tools. This technology increases overall outputs while drastically reducing environmental impacts – I’ve seen precision ag techniques in action and I know what a difference this makes for farmers. I’m proud to be building bipartisan consensus around conservation techniques like this one, especially as we look toward the 2023 Farm Bill.  


The contrast is clear: empower farmers or empower bureaucrats. I will continue leading the charge to not only roll back government overreaches like WOTUS, but to advocate for our farmers as conservationists.  


Parents Bill of Rights

Parents should be in charge of their children's education. With the disturbing nationwide trend of parents being boxed out of their kids' education, it is all the more important that we advance the Parents Bill of Rights. This legislation has five main principles and says that parents have the:

1. Right to know what’s being taught in schools and to see reading material

2. Right to be heard

3. Right to see school budget and spending

4. Right to protect their child’s privacy

5. Right to be updated on any violent activity at school

This shouldn't be controversial. House Republicans will continue to champion parents and kids. Add your name to the Parents Bill of Rights here!

Declassifying COVID-19 Origins

I voted to declassify the relevant intelligence about the origins of COVID-19 because Americans deserve to know the truth. Declassifying the relevant intelligence and being transparent with the American people is an important step toward holding China accountable and preventing the next pandemic.

We also must ensure that not a single penny of taxpayer dollars goes toward funding risky gain of function research or to CCP labs like the Wuhan Institute. This bill has already passed the Senate -- President Biden must sign this legislation today to show he is serious about holding China accountable for unleashing this pandemic on the world.

Sons of AMVETS

Thank you to the Iowa Sons of AMVETS for coming by my D.C. office this week. Their dedication to improving the quality of life for veterans and their families is truly inspiring, and I look forward to continued work with them to do so.

Iowa Farm Bureau

It is always great to catch up with the Iowa Farm Bureau! We discussed the upcoming Farm Bill, year-round E15, and my PRECISE Act that will help Iowa farmers access new technology.

Story Time at Becker Elementary School

On Monday, I joined Ms. Kimpston’s first grade class at Becker Elementary School for story time and a Q&A with students. We read We Will Rock Our Classmates and questions included favorite color, favorite food, and what a day is like in Congress!

Phase 4 of Central Iowa Airport

It was great to celebrate the Phase 4 groundbreaking at Eastern Iowa Airport. I’m proud of the experience CID offers to travelers, and this investment will continue their tradition of excellence in aviation!

Meeting with USGLC

It was great meeting with U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) leaders in Cedar Rapids to discuss international trade and food insecurity, and the concerns they have about the Chinese Communist Party. The advisory committee does great work to show the importance of American global leadership for Iowa!

Country View Dairy

I loved touring the Country View Dairy farm last Friday and seeing the hard work they do to provide quality dairy products for the community. I highly recommend their award-winning strawberry yogurt and chocolate milk from their creamery!

NICC's John Deere Technical Center

Northeast Iowa Community College is providing students with the resources they need to meet their full potential and reach their career goals every single day. I really enjoyed meeting with faculty members and students at the John Deere Technical Center last week!

Community Heart & Soul

I had a wonderful time meeting with Postville Mayor Dennis Koenig, volunteers from Community Heart and Soul, and Crystal Duffy who leads this program. They have truly put their heart and soul into making Postville the best place to live, work, and raise a family. Thanks for sharing your work with me!

K&S Machining

I had a great time in Clayton County at K&S Machining. Cole and Sam started out with a few machines they operated out of their garages. Through hard work and determination, they’ve continued to build their customer base and expanded their business!

Headline Highlights

The Courier: Hinson recognizes 3 Waterloo Career Center students for App Challenge participation

Iowa Ag Connection: Politicians Reintroduce Bills to Expand Farmers' Access to Precision Ag Equipment

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