Dear Friends, Our Citizen Advocates had a busy day at the Capitol on March 7th. We attending the Education 911 briefing, where we heard absolute HORROR stories about actually families experiencing actual tragedies in public schools. We also heard about other issues that need to be addressed in public schools. And if you think school choice is the answer to these problems, think again! For more information on Texas Education 911, and what you can do to help, check out their website. We also attended the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice that day and testified in opposition to SB287. This bill modifies the penal code about terrorist threats against public officials and public buildings. The opposition arises out of concern that tyrannical local governments will use the code to remove and/or arrest citizens who get passionate about exercising their constitutional rights. Senator Huffman was receptive to our comments, and says she will try to address them. The bill is currently left pending in committee. One interesting thing that happened this week is that the House passed HR155 which designates Feb 14, 2023 as LGBQT Chamber of Commerce day at the Capitol. I'm puzzled why this resolution was offered a month after the fact, but whatever. It was passed on a non record vote. See the Journal record to see who recorded voting no. HR 155 (by M. González, J. González, Zwiener, J.E. Johnson, et al.), Recognizing February 14, 2023, as Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce Advocacy Day at the State Capitol. (Anderson, Ashby, C. Bell, K. Bell, Bumgarner, Burns, Cain, Cook, Craddick, Cunningham, Dean, DeAyala, Dorazio, Frazier, Gates, Gerdes, Harless, C.E. Harris, C.J. Harris, Harrison, Hayes, Hefner, Hull, Isaac, Kitzman, Klick, Lambert, Landgraf, Leo-Wilson, J.iLopez, Metcalf, Noble, Orr, Patterson, Paul, Price, Raney, Rogers, Schaefer, Schatzline, Shaheen, Slaton, Slawson, Smith, Smithee, Spiller, Stucky, Swanson, Thimesch, E. Thompson, Tinderholt, Toth, Troxclair, and Vasut recorded voting no.) Today is the last day to file bills. That means that they will now be able to actually debate and vote on bills that have cleared committee. So expect to start seeing a flurry of activity. Here's what's on tap for week 10 (March 13-17) Monday March 13 Senate State Affairs Committee, 10:30 am, Senate Chamber Two bills of interest to us: SB175 (Middleton) which bans taxpayer funded lobbyists (one of TTP's Priorities) and SB921 (Hughes) which prohibits rank choice voting (one of RPT's priorities). SB15 (Middleton) is the protect women's sports for higher education. Anyone who can be at the Capitol on Monday is urged to register and/or testify in support of these bills. Let me know if you need help with testimonies. Several other bills are also being heard in that committee that day that might interest you. House Select Committee on Youth Health & Safety, 2:00 pm, E2.026 A number of bills being heard. Please consult the committee notice linked above for details. House Public Health Committee, 9:00 am, JHR 120 No priority legislation in this committee, but two bills some of you might be interested in: HB362 (Oliverson) relating to use, manufacture or delivery of testing equipment for fentanyl. And SB1805 (Klick), which would allow medical professionals to prescribe low THC cannabis for patients with certain medical conditions. Tuesday March 14 House Public Education Committee, 8:00 am, E2.036 Two bills we've been advised to support by our Education friends:
House Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee, 2:00 pm, E2.012 Senate Business & Commerce Committee, 8:30 am, E1.012 Terri Hall has asked us to oppose SB1101 (Schwertner). (Language too vague regarding exemptions, added bureaucracy) Nothing else on these schedules jumps out at me, but there might be something that interests you. Take a look at the linked committee schedules to see what will be heard that day. ACTION: I will be at the Capitol both Monday and Tuesday this week. If you can join me, meet in the Rotunda at 10 on Monday, and at 10 on Tuesday. I will testify on 2 bills in the Senate State Affairs Committee on Monday. Monday: If you can be there too, please plan to testify, or at least register support for SB175, SB921 and SB15. If you cannot, please call or email members of the State Affairs Committee to voice your support for these 3 bills. Tuesday: Register support for HB1212 and HB1225. There are also on line comments available for these bills. The link is mentioned at the bottom of the Committee Schedule., if you cannot attend. The rests of Tuesday will be spent visiting legislators' offices. TRUE TEXAN DAY AT THE CAPITOL, MARCH 28, 2023 Get ready to show your True Texan-ness at the Capitol on March 28. Join True Texas Project Citizen Advocates for TRUE TEXAN DAY at the Capitol! We'll have a full day of activities for you, including a tour of the Capitol Building, a meeting with a State-Wide elected officer, tour of the Supreme Court Building, legislative update from legislators, visits to your own House Representatives and Senators, and some fun games along the way. Students are welcome and this is a great opportunity to introduce them to state government, and basic civics. Registration is required so we can make plans to accommodate everyone, but there is no fee involved. Please enter the name of each person attending, and the age if under 16. (example: Jason Smith, age 12) Check in at 9:00 am in Room E1.014 of the Capitol Extension. From there you will receive the specific agenda for the day. Lunch will be on your own at the Capitol Grill or brown bag. We'll try to arrange transportation for anyone who needs it. There may be a small fee to cover costs. If you need transportation, please enter a "I need transportation" registration. When you enter the name(s) for transportation you MUST indicate which county you live in when entering the "attendee name" fields.. (example: Mary Jones, Brazos County) Once we know who is going and from what areas, we'll contact you about potential transportation arrangements. There's a lot of walking involved so wear your comfy shoes, your TTP Shirts or Hats, and show everyone in Austin what True Texans look like!
God Bless Texas and Texas Patriots! Fran Rhodes, President, True Texas Project TTP TUESDAYS AT THE CAPITOL
TTP, along with Fredericksburg Tea Party, will have people at the Capitol every Tuesday! Pick a Tuesday and plan to be with us to advocate for our bills, testify at hearings, learn more about the process and how to be effective, and be a part of the legislative action. Anyone is welcome. I'm always asked to give more notice for these events - so here is your notice through May 31, 2023! Every Tuesday! We'll be there other days too as needed, and I cannot give good notice of those because we never know until a day or two ahead. So - keep an eye out for your Citizen Advocate messages, and think fast! |