This is such a difficult time for providers. They are forced to stand down threats of prosecution — and a shifting set of laws that make a challenging job even more difficult. Yet they show up to work every day determined to serve their patients.
Abortion providers deserve our thanks for their perseverance and dedication. Send your message now.
Abortion providers do this essential work because they care about the health, rights, and future of their patients. They know better than anyone the difference that access to abortion can make in a person's life.
Here's a story from Madeline, a Planned Parenthood patient in Seattle, Washington, that illustrates why
we're showing gratitude to Planned Parenthood health center abortion providers today:
I am alive today because I got a safe and legal abortion.
I was born with a birth defect that makes pregnancy fatal for me. This is a simple fact and I accepted it a long time ago, so when I found out I was pregnant in 2019, despite being incredibly careful with my birth control, I knew what I had to do.
I called my partner, then I called Planned Parenthood. Thanks to Planned Parenthood, I was able to make an appointment that was less than two weeks out. This was a safe and simple procedure and my ability to attain one so early saved me from the potential side effects from my pre-existing condition.
Because I was lucky enough to become pregnant in Washington state, there was no undue burden placed on me before I could receive care. I was not forced to look at an ultrasound, I didn't have to listen to state mandated anti-abortion propaganda, and I didn't have to wait 72 hours between an initial appointment and the procedure.
I was trusted that I knew what the right choice for me was, and while I am thankful that I had that opportunity, I am terrified for the pregnant people in Texas and other states — who, just like me, need an abortion.
I would also like to emphasize that my story is not unique. The grace afforded to me because of my status as a white, cis-gendered, able-bodied and insured Washingtonian *NEEDS* to be granted to
regardless of any of their status.
My story is not special, but I am. I am special, just as every other person who gets pregnant is special.
Thank you thank you thank you all for being here!
Messages like Madeline's mean the world to providers. They are a reminder that every patient brings their own unique experiences and circumstances — and that the best care is the care that's right for each patient.
You don't have to have your own abortion story to let providers know their work matters.
All you have to do is take a moment to say thanks.
Thank you for everything you do to support patients and providers.
— Planned Parenthood