Here's our plan. Friend, President Biden just announced a bold plan to protect Medicare.
Now, we need to voice our support as loudly as we can.
This is our chance to protect our hard-earned benefits. We need to demand action immediately – before Kevin McCarthy and the House GOP can squirm their way around it. Sign on now to SAVE Medicare: [link removed] SIGN ON → [link removed]
– Team Schumer
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chuck Schumer
Date: Thu, March 9, 2023
Subject: Protecting Medicare for the next 30 years [link removed]
Friend, this is huge:
First: Kevin McCarthy promised MAGA Republicans he would force cuts to Social
Security and Medicare -- taking away our hard-earned benefits.
Then: President Biden called them out and forced them to walk back their
threats! But behind closed doors, they're still calling for cuts.
So now: President Biden just announced a plan to extend Medicare to 2050 without
adding to the deficit!
This is the bold leadership Democrats can and must rally around. Sign my petition right away to SAVE Medicare for years to come. [link removed] SIGN ON → [link removed]
The Biden administration's plan would save money by reducing what Medicare pays
Big Pharma and by making the wealthy pay their fair share. It won't only save
the federal government money -- it will cut out-of-pocket costs for seniors.
Biden's budget shows that House Republicans' plan is a scam. They've been saying
it's impossible to keep Medicare and Social Security funded -- but the proof is
in Biden's proposal. And yet the GOP is still calling for seniors to pay more
for prescription drugs and insulin while receiving worse care.
It's clear that when Democrats rise up, we can win big. Sign your name next to mine to protect Medicare for the next generation of retirees. [link removed]
Chuck Schumer SIGN ON → [link removed]
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