I’m relying on you.


A critical piece of legislation is moving through Congress that would push through bold privacy-protecting reforms of the Patriot Act.

Take action RIGHT NOW to urge Congress to pass the Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act. The bill would reform Section 215 of the Patriot Act — protecting your privacy and your right to dissent.

Section 215 has allowed the government to collect an astonishing amount of sensitive data about the daily lives of people who live in the United States. Under this dangerous authority, the government can monitor data on our phone calls, our locations, our financial transactions — even our medical records. Reform of this dangerous section of the Patriot Act is long overdue.

Thanks for taking action,


Free Press Action

Dear friend,

I’m 8 days into my new role as co-CEO of Free Press and I’m reaching out to you today because we have the first big fight of the year on our hands.

Today, a critical piece of legislation is moving through Congress that would push through bold privacy-protecting reforms of the Patriot Act.

Take action RIGHT NOW to urge Congress to pass the Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act. The bill would reform Section 215 of the Patriot Act — protecting your privacy and your right to dissent.

Section 215 has allowed the government to collect an astonishing amount of sensitive data about the daily lives of people who live in the United States. Under this dangerous authority, the government can monitor data on our phone calls, our locations, our financial transactions — even our medical records. Reform of this dangerous section of the Patriot Act is long overdue.

Will you contact Congress today and urge your representatives to pass the Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act today?

Free Press has long sounded alarm bells around the dangers of Section 215. This new bill offers up the first opportunity of the new year to finally curb the government's unchecked ability to spy on people like you and me.

I wasn’t expecting my first message to you in my new role to be quite so urgent, and we have a ton of work ahead of us in 2020 that I want to share with you.

But this is one of those moments where I really need to know you are with us. It takes less than 2 minutes to make a difference and our elected leaders need to hear from all of us. I hope I can count on you to contact Congress right now and push for unequivocal support of the Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act.

Please join us today. Thank you for speaking out with Free Press Action.

Jessica J. González
Co-CEO, Free Press and Free Press Action

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