
It’s time to start preparing for the next election.

There have been many rumours flying around the Ottawa bubble.

Rumours of Trudeau stepping down, rumours of the NDP withdrawing their support, rumours of a snap-election.

John, I can’t say for sure whether or not there will be an election this year.

But here are two things I do know for sure:

  1. We need to be prepared for an election just in case one is called
  2. If there isn’t a General Election called, there will definitely be several by-elections

Since the last election, several MPs have resigned from their seats. This means there must be by-elections called within 6 months.

There are 5 by-elections that have to take place before the end of the summer in the ridings of Oxford (ON), Calgary Heritage (AB), Winnipeg South Centre (MB), Portage—Lisgar (MB), and Notre-Dame-de-Grâce–Westmount (QC).

The most exciting of these is Portage—Lisgar!

This riding was one of our best in the entire country in the last election! Our candidate there got 22% of the vote and finished second behind the Conservatives.

John, I am seriously considering running in the Portage—Lisgar by-election.

I think I can win this seat!

In order to make sure we’re prepared, I have set an aggressive fundraising target so that we end the first quarter of 2023 strong.

We had a record breaking end to 2022, and we need to keep that going to ensure we can break into the House of Commons.

I have set a goal for $250,000 by the end of the first quarter, the end of March.

So far this year we’ve raised $140,000. It’s a great start, but we have a long way to go to meet our goal!

If we’re going to hit this aggressive target with just 21 days left in the month, we’re going to need everyone to pitch in.

John, can I count on your support?

Pitch in $10 today to help us raise $110,000 before the end of the month and get election ready!


P.S.: If you have trouble finding where you can donate, you can just click this link!


People's Party of Canada
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