Finance bros and Joe Biden team up to save the planet one investment at a time.
Have you checked on your environmentally and socially conscious finance bro lately? Congress recently passed a bill that would prevent financial managers from considering climate and social decisions when investing retirement funds. You might be thinking, “isn’t it pretty reasonable for a finance manager to avoid investing retirement funds into companies that are destroying the planet one oil spill at a time?” You would be right! However, Republicans are trying to spin the rule as “woke capitalism” that’s part of the “far-left agenda.” Honestly, they can stay back on Earth with WALL-E when the planet burns.
Data for Progress and Climate Power find that 54 percent of voters support allowing financial managers to consider environmental and social factors when investing. This includes 71 percent of Democrats, 52 percent of Independents, and 38 percent of Republicans. Aren’t Republicans all about freedom? Isn’t that part of their schtick? How about the freedom to invest in responsible companies?!?

President Biden is all for responsible investing, and will likely use his first veto to block the bill. That’s right folks, the Big V. A plurality of voters believe President Biden should veto the bill, including 51 percent of Democrats, 44 percent of Independents, and 47 percent of Republicans.
Financial managers should be able to invest retirement funds into causes that they believe in!! If Kevin McCarthy wants to bet his retirement on fossil fuels, that’s his business, but we would personally rather not.
Check out the full polling here.
Here are some other highlights from DFP this week:
He’s leaving on that midnight train from Nassau County.
There’s nothing more sacred to Long Islanders than the Long Island Railroad. Well, maybe lacrosse. But really, any commuter train into New York City is a sacred thing. The 17-year-olds trying to scheme their way into Mr. Purple can’t afford parking in the city! And how else will people get to work without sitting in 2 hours of traffic in the Lincoln Tunnel? There’s only so many archived episodes of The Daily a person can listen to in one car ride. New York voters are sick and tired of driving, and god dammit, they’re determined to get more transit-oriented development in New York State.
While zoning laws in many municipalities currently ban housing development near commuter rail lines, the New York Housing Compact will require localities to increase their housing density within a half-mile of an MTA rail station. Driving to the train station will be a thing of the past! Imagine a world where you have direct access from your home to Time Square Elmo! The world is your oyster when the LIRR is in your backyard.
Data for Progress finds 67 percent of likely New York voters support legislation that promotes transit-oriented development, including 70 percent of voters in the Mid-Hudson region and 66 percent on Long Island.

Commuters and Westchester tweens and teens are jumping for joy. Kathy Hochul is going to change the game with the New York Housing Compact and we couldn’t be more excited for the suburban finance bros, PR girlies, and bridge and tunnel kids.
Read the full blog and polling here.