From <[email protected]>
Subject AOC slams House Republicans
Date March 10, 2023 6:56 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

Yesterday, Alexandria slammed House Republicans in a hearing where the
main topic of complaint was that the federal government is “too woke.”

While they gave no definition of what “woke” is, the so-called “woke”
policies on paper that were being criticized in this hearing included:

* Remote work for federal workers including those who are disabled
* Paying interns so that opportunities don’t just go to privileged kids
whose parents can afford to pay their rent
* Creating career opportunities for partners of military service members
* Protections for firefighters so they don’t leave the job
* Diversity and inclusion efforts so that our federal workforce looks
like the people who live in this country

This is the horrifying “woke” agenda that Republicans are trying so hard
to block.

Alexandria is one of our best defenses in Congress to hold Republicans
accountable for stunts like this.

It’s why we need her in Congress to call out their antics. When Alexandria
and our movement is strong (including our fundraising), we have the best
chance to counter their moves and win.

[ [link removed] ]If you can, please pitch in $3 or any amount today so
that we can hold Republicans accountable and deliver real progress for
working people.

Thank you for being such a crucial part of this movement.

Team AOC

[ [link removed] ]Contribute $3


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