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Friend --
Happy new year to you, Ward 6! I'm looking forward to 2020 and more
opportunities to continue working to make sure Ward 6 is a great place
everyone can call home. As we begin a new year, that means the Council
begins its annual process of oversight of District agencies before
beginning the formal process of crafting next year's citywide budget.
All of these hearings
are open to the public and streamed
live here. As we get closer to making decisions on the District's
budget, save March 25 for my annual Ward 6 Budget Town Hall. But for
now, let's jump into what's happening this month.
The Future of Union Station Presents a Once-in-a-Generation
Opportunity - While many Ward 6 residents have heard talk of
revamping Union Station for years, the process is reaching an
important decision point. And this is the biggest opportunity in a
generation to shape a major transit hub in our region. Think of Union
Station as the region's fourth airport (yes, that many people move
through it everyday), and you'll begin to understand both its
potential and its role in not just on DC, but the entire region. Two
weeks ago, the National Capital Planning Commission held a hearing to
review proposed designs. While there's a whole lot to be excited about
in what is mostly agreed upon so far, there are also some significant
problems in the current designs - a massive parking garage and road
designs that will end up isolating the station on an island choked by
traffic, rather than integrating it better with the community around
it. I submitted comments, along with ANC 6C and many others, urging
that the final design dramatically reduce the amount of planned
parking (which is a great deal more than what is even required by
Amtrak and Union Station vendors) and to rework the plans to make it
as accessible as possible for drop-offs and pick-ups, as just as
importantly, our neighbors, pedestrians, and cyclists who are using
the Metro. This is a once-in-century type of project and we need to
push hard to make sure it’s done right. The decisions today will
define how our city and region grow for generations to come. Here are
some longer thoughts on the issue on Facebook,
and some reporting from Greater
Greater Washington, the
Washington Post, and the
Washington Business Journal.
New Tools to Preserve Housing Units and Protect Tenants
- In the first of two votes, the Council unanimously passed a
bill I wrote that would protect tenants and discourage downsizing
multiple housing units into fewer ones. The District is facing an
affordable housing shortage and we need to pursue every tool we can to
ensure all neighbors can afford to live in this great city. The bill
does a few things, but one of the most important is that it closes a
loophole in existing law to help protect tenants from being evicted
under misleading circumstances. More
from WTOP on the bill.
The Wharf Phase 2 Job Fair Connects Ward 6
Residents with Jobs: Yesterday,I co-hosted a job fair with
the District Wharf, the University of the District of Columbia, DC
Housing Authority, the District's Department of Employment Services,
and the general contracting team for phase 2 of The Wharf. The event
was held in Greenleaf Gardens in Southwest, focused on hiring
residents living right in the community. I want to see more Ward 6
residents get good paying jobs at a major project taking place in
their backyard. This job fair was a great start. Based on the
conversations I had with a number of Southwest residents, it was a
great opportunity to connect with the firms who are hiring to do the
work and looking to train for future projects as well. More
photos from the event here.
WMATA Ridership Up Last Year - After seven years
of declining ridership, WMATA was one of the brightest spots across
the nation as it saw ridership grow in the second and third quarter of
the year, leading to an annual ridership increase for the first time
since 2011, as
reported by Citylab. This is promising, but we're about a 100,000
daily rides below where we were in 2011 and we continue to see
ridership decline on Metrobus. That isn't surprising, because the
District and WMATA haven't made investments in our bus system to power
it. But it's not too late! It will be one of my priorities in the
coming year to do more to make our public transit system accessible
for every District resident. However, I do feel more encouraged
knowing District residents are choosing to use public transit for more
trips. WMATA
recently launched a Ridership portal, making public ridership data
for both rail and bus. It's a helpful tool and pretty fun to poke
around in.
Related: WMATA voted to endorse the vision, goals,
strategy, and recommendations of the Bus
Transformation Project at its last meeting. This was a huge survey
and project built around finding ways to improve bus service and bring
back riders.
Even More Related: Bus to Work Day is February 4! We'll be
looking to have some fun and encourage more people to discover the bus
as part of their transit options.
Let's Expand Maternal Health Services
- The District of Columbia has one of the highest rates of
maternal mortality in the nation - which doesn't count the many
near-misses that come from complications with pregnancy, birth, or
postpartum issues. We can take steps to fix this. At the end of
December, the Council's Committee on Health held a public hearing to
consider my "Maternal Health Care Improvement and Expansion Act of
2019." The bill proposes expanding requiring insurers to fully cover
two postpartum medical provider visits, home visits by a medical
provider, and fertility preservation services. It would extend
maternal care coverage for a full year after the birth of a child for
women at 319% of the poverty line or below. It also would create a
brick and mortar Center for Maternal Health and Wellness, required to
be accessible via public transit, that would help provide a community
and a hub for help to mothers and expectant women. Finally, the bill
mandates implicit bias training for medical professionals. The issue
of maternal health is finally gaining steam in the media -- East
of the River has coverage of my bill, as does the Washington
Informer, and The
DC Line has an overview of the issue.
Related: It's Not Too Late To Get Health Insurance
- DC residents, small businesses, and employees can still
enroll in a health insurance plan offered through DC's health exchange
through January 31. Visit
the exchange here.
Holding Employers Who Commit Wage Theft Accountable -
Last week Attorney General Karl Racine announced
a major win in court as Power Design, Inc, a national electrical
contractor, will have to pay nearly $900,000 to workers it had
mis-classified as "independent contractors," which cut labor costs
while denying employment benefits they were owed. Councilmember Elissa
Silverman and I sent
a letter back in 2018 expressing concerns around Power Design,
Inc, and in last year's budget we worked together to fund full-time
attorneys in the Office of Attorney General focused specifically on
wage theft. This is an important win for DC workers.
Violence Interrupters Get at Root Causes of Gun Violence
- If we're going to reduce gun violence, it means working
toward solutions beyond traditional policing and getting at the root
causes of violence before someone pulls the trigger. That
hard work is based on relationships in communities where violence is
happening and ensuring when someone who is at-risk of committing a
violent act (or being the victim of one) is finally ready to engage
and accept support, we have it ready. That focus was of a big part of
the conversation at last week's oversight hearing for the Office of
Neighborhood Safety and Engagement. Here
are my remarks to a panel of violence interrupters who testified
about their work taking place across the District. If there's one
takeaway from the hearing, it's that a lot of people are pouring
themselves into stopping the violence. It's taken a little over two
years of hard work to establish our violence interruption programs, so
it takes time to earn the trust of community members. As Chair of the
Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, I am committed to
ensuring these efforts are built up in a sustainable, strategic, and
intentional manner.
The Young Men Emerging Unit at DC Jail is Changing
Incarceration - I have written a few times on social media
about my visits to the Young Men Emerging Unit within DC Jail. It's a
special program that is testing what can be done during incarceration
to foster true rehabilitation. That means helping incarcerated men
feel safe enough to get out of "survival mode" and start to assess
their priorities and needs. The Young Men Emerging Unit, YME for
short, is teaching us lessons on what can be achieved. YME pairs older
men serving longer sentences with young men under the age of 25 in a
supportive, mentoring relationship in their own space within DC
Jail. NBC
4 recently did a profile of the program and the Washington
Post profiled the program's own newspaper (of which I am a regular
reader). If you want to feel some hope about improving incarceration
and truly making it an opportunity for rehabilitation and growth,
these are great places to start.
January 30: DC Camp Fair - Heads up parents, the
DC Camp Fair returns at JO Wilson Elementary School on Thursday,
January 30, from 6-8 pm. The Camp Fair is open to all District
families and will have information and representatives from summer
camp programs in the neighborhood, in the District, and in the region.
More information here: https://www.dccampfair.com/
My School DC 2020 Lottery Now Open - The lottery
for the 2020-21 school year is now open. This is the application for
all children to attend any pre-k 3 or 4 program, as well as for DCPS
and DC Public Charter Schools that your child is not currently
enrolled in or outside of your neighborhood boundary. Of course, if
you're happy with the school your child attends or plan to send your
child for K-12 to your in-boundary school, you can skip the
Survey on the Future of Eastern Market
- Do you love Eastern Market? Take this survey on the future
of Eastern Market. Do you want to see changes to Eastern Market? You
should totally take this survey. Even if you never go to Eastern
Market, take this survey and tell planners why. This is your chance to
give direction on the future of Ward 6's most iconic market. Here's
the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/eastern-market-survey
[Today!] DC Multilingual Education Fair Returns January 25
- Don't miss the 4th annual Multilingual Education Fair for
DC, which has resources for families and educators interested in
multilingual learning. The fair is on Saturday, January 25, from 10 am
to 3 pm at Theodore Roosevelt High School. It is free a free event.
This fair is part of the DC Language Immersion Project, which works to
expand the number of opportunities for speakers of different languages
to learn a new language through education.
Save the Date! Ward 6 Budget Town Hall On March 25 at Maury
ES - If you want to share your priorities with me about
funding schools, parks, public safety, streets, sidewalks, bike lanes,
and so much more, don't miss my annual Ward 6 Budget Town Hall! I'll
do a quick overview of what's been proposed and where we are in the
process and share some of my priorities, but then I want to hear from
you. RSVP
here and you'll be on the email list when we get more details as
we get closer.
Office Hours Return in February - My regular
Friday morning office hours will resume on February
7 at Compass Coffee in Shaw. The full schedule up on my website
for your planning.
Charles Allen
Upcoming Events FYI:
Multilingual Education Fair: Saturday, January 25 |
Theodore Roosevelt HS DC
Camp Fair: Thursday, January 30 Bus to Work
Day 2020: Monday, February 4 | Everywhere! Shaw
Office Hours: Friday, February 7 | Compass Coffee Ward
6 Budget Town Hall: Wednesday, March 25 | Maury ES
