Dear John,
World Autism Month is almost here. We’re starting early with an exciting Early Bird Matching Gift Challenge by a generous donor pledging to DOUBLE your gift up to a total of $25,000. But only for a short time — if you make a gift by March 14.
Your donation makes TWICE the impact to help bring us closer to a world of compassion and understanding where all people with autism can reach their full potential.
More and more, researchers are seeing that early diagnosis and early intervention are critical to future outcomes. With your help, more children like Scarlett can have the opportunity to become happy, active and fulfilled. Her mom, Caitee says, "Early Intervention is SO IMPORTANT on so many levels. In my opinion, getting Scarlett the help, she needed, as early as we did, changed everything."
When you make your most generous gift, you’re helping communities, healthcare providers and parents learn the early signs of autism, know what to do, and create their own roadmap for success through resources like Autism Speaks 100 Day Tool Kit. You’re also helping teens and young adults get the support and resources they need to further their education, obtain meaningful employment and reach their full potential.
John, this is a great time to join the mission today — to give children, teens and adults with autism an opportunity to thrive. DOUBLE your impact with a gift that goes TWICE as far — but only until midnight on March 14.
How is Scarlett doing with the help she’s gotten? "She’s in her own lane. No one can put a stop to what she sets her mind on," says Scarlett’s mom. With your help, we’ll all hear more success stories like hers.
Because together we stand for a world of difference™.
With gratitude,
Keith Wargo
President and CEO