“Change never happens at the pace we think it should. It happens over years of people joining together, strategizing, sharing, and pulling all levers they possibly can. Gradually, excruciatingly slowly, things start to happen, and then suddenly…something will tip”
-Judith Heumann
Join us on March 30th from 6-7pm to celebrate people with disabilities making a difference inside and outside the California Democratic Party, and to learn what the experiences of delegates with disabilities have been within the Party. We will hear from incredible disabled CADEM activists about what is and isn’t working within CADEM, learn about critical legislation, as well as hear from party leaders.

This event will be dedicated to Judy Heumann, who died in March. She was a force of nature who led the 1977 “504 sit-ins;” the one in San Francisco lasting 26 days, the longest to date in United States history. The 504 sit-in forced the Carter administration to issue the 504 regulations which required Federal buildings to be accessible to people with disabilities. She later founded two organizations and served in both the Clinton and Obama administrations. She understood the necessity of working both inside and outside the system to make change.
In the spirit of Judy, we will use this event to learn from each other and rededicate ourselves to disability rights within the Party, our state, and this country.
Please join us for this exciting event.
In Solidarity,
Sascha Bittner
Disabilities Caucus Vice Chair