Purchase Tickets Now!
Dear John,
We are excited to announce that sponsorships/tickets are now available to purchase for the 2023 PJI Celebration of Justice at the beautiful JW Marriott in downtown Anaheim. We are also excited to announce our keynote speaker: Kayleigh McEnany! Kayleigh is the former White House Press Secretary, serving in the final year of President Donald Trump's administration. Prior to working in the White House, Kayleigh worked as the National Press Secretary for the Trump Campaign and formerly the National Spokesperson for the Republican National Committee. Before joining the RNC, Kayleigh worked as a political commentator at CNN and across cable news.
Join us for the 2023 Celebration of Justice on October 28, 2023, 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm (VIP Reception by invitation 5:00 pm) at the JW Marriott, Anaheim Resort, 1775 S. Clementine St. Anaheim, CA 92802.
This will be a formal (black-tie) occasion honoring distinguished attorneys and community leaders for their outstanding work and demonstration of an exceptional commitment to faith and family.
Last year's COJ sold out quickly so you definitely don't want to miss this once in a lifetime event! Book your tickets now! We hope to see you there!
Running the Race,
The Pacific Justice Institute Team
Kayleigh McEnany is appearing at this event only as a featured speaker and is not asking for funds or donations.
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Pacific Justice Institute . P.O. Box 276600 . Sacramento, CA 95827 . USA