From Team Stevens <[email protected]>
Subject the NRCC JUST attacked Haley 🙄
Date March 10, 2023 4:15 PM
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The committee responsible for electing right-wing extremists to Congress is SLANDERING Haley’s name, folks.

It’s only March and Republicans are already trying to discredit Haley’s accomplishments!

Will you rush a $25 donation ASAP in order to help Haley fight back against baseless Republican attacks? We can’t let these lies from the NRCC go unanswered! >>

Rush a $25 donation >> [link removed]

Other Amount >> [link removed]

Haley Stevens is a lot of things—a proud Congresswoman, a loyal servant—but she is NOT what national Republicans are trying to make her out to be.

Let’s face it: Extremist Republicans will stoop to ANY level to smear Haley’s record and gain the upperhand in Michigan. So now it’s up to ALL OF US to stop them!

Please, will you chip in $25 or more right away to defend Haley’s name and protect Michigan’s 11th District from the NRCC’s blatant, far-right lies?

Donate >> [link removed]

Thanks for always fighting for the truth.

—Team Stevens

Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave #539
Birmingham, MI 48009
United States

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