Dear Friend,
Protections for wolves are under attack. Donate $27 now to defend the ESA and the planet and help us reach our $5,230 goal!
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Choked to death in snares. Run over by snowmobiles. Stuck in steel traps for days on end, reeling in pain. Our country’s wolves are under attack -- and time is running out to save them. Big Oil and trophy hunting lobbies are chomping at the bit to remove ESA protections for helpless wolves, all for the sake of lining their pockets. Don’t let wolves pay the price of corporate greed any longer: Donate $27 and help us reach our $5,230 goal to help save the Endangered Species Act and the planet.
While gray wolves have protections within Yellowstone and in some states like Colorado, they aren’t bound by state or park borders and often venture outside of their protected areas -- completely unaware that the second their paws cross over into northern Rockies states like Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, they’re fair game for vicious trophy hunters who murder innocent wolves for sport.
What’s worse -- Big Oil lobbies are teaming up with trophy hunters to chip away at protections for wolves in hopes of taking over their lands and using them for profit. Wolves still occupy less than 10% of their historic range, and if we don’t act soon, their protections could be ripped away completely, leaving them helpless against greedy corporate interests. Will you act now to uphold the Endangered Species Act and fight for our planet?
Help us work quickly to defend the ESA before the loss is too great. Donate $27 and help us reach our $5,230 goal before the clock strikes midnight!
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Wolves had begun to make a slow but promising recovery over the past six decades. Last year, three baby wolf pups were born to the only wolf pack left in Colorado. The pups were suspected to be the first wolves born in Colorado in 80 years.
Protected by the state, they were a symbol of hope for repopulation efforts. But wolves aren’t bound by state lines -- the second they set their tiny paws onto Wyoming soil, they became vulnerable to the most brutal hunting practices we’ve seen. Sure enough, three mangled, bloody young wolf carcasses were found just across Wyoming state lines.
As it stands, Friend, the slaughter shows no signs of stopping while trophy hunters and Big Oil lobbies continue to fight to remove vital ESA protections for wolves.
Idaho is starting the process to expand vicious wolf hunting, which includes a permanent year-round wolf trapping season, as well as permission for trophy hunters to obtain an unlimited number of “wolf tags” so they can massacre as many helpless wolves as they want. Terrified wolves are being tortured, trapped, mangled, choked, and shot to death -- and it’s all completely legal.
If wolves are going to stand a chance against brutal trophy hunters and greedy Big Oil lobbies, we have to act now to stop private interests from continuing to tear down more and more of their ESA protections!
Don’t let greedy interests chip away at more protections for wolves and our planet. Make your $27 contribution before the loss is too great!
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When states and trophy hunters declare open season on wolves, the negative consequences are not limited to this precious species alone. Wolves help keep elk and deer populations in check, allowing other plant and animal species to flourish. The remains of their kill redistribute nutrients and feed scavengers. They play a vital role in our wild spaces, but if they are wiped out, the balance can be irreparably thrown off, risking other species in the process.
These attacks on ESA protections are signaling the demise of many beloved and iconic creatures like our wolves. With only 6,000 wolves left in the lower 48 states, we don’t have much time to protect America’s wolves before they disappear forever.
This isn’t just about protecting wildlife either, Friend. The ESA is one of the few protections that stands in the way of the fossil fuel and agriculture industries polluting communities, driving climate chaos, and harming biodiversity across the country. If attacks on the ESA succeed, these harmful industries will have an even easier time drilling, fracking, mining and operating massive factory farms.
Friend, your membership gift today can help protect wolves and our public lands from these vicious attacks and secure a better future for our planet. But we are facing pushback from private trophy-hunting interests and Big Polluters, and we need to step up our efforts before it’s too late. Will you make a contribution of $27 or more today?
Protect the ESA and the wildlife and lands that rely on it. Donate $27 immediately and help us reach our $5,230 goal for the planet!
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Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Fossil fuels and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth