Strzok-Page Emails get a Second Look
Washington Times
A simple
announcement from Judicial Watch adds another dimension to “Russian
collusion” — particularly one aspect which did not get much play during
the recent Robert Mueller hearings on Capitol Hill.
Sharpton Owes $1.5 Million in Taxes
Judicial Watch
A renowned
civil rights activist and one-time presidential candidate, who runs a
lucrative charity that gets hefty donations from powerful Democrats, owes
the government about $1.5 million in taxes and penalties.
Celebration! @JudicialWatch
celebrating our 25th Anniversary this week. I joined my colleagues
yesterday as we marked a quarter century of standing strong for the rule of
law! God Bless America!
7:38 PM - 30 Jul 2019
The #MuellerReport is confused
smear job that takes 450 pages to talk around the truths of no collusion
and no obstruction. So no surprise Mueller's testimony was a fail.
@JudicialWatch @RealDonaldTrump
9:07 AM - 31 Jul 2019