John --
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s win in New York in 2018 proved progressive candidates CAN run people-funded campaigns and win.
For years, the Democratic establishment has said that in order to have an edge in their campaigns they must take the same dirty money their Republican challengers take. Yesterday, a video surfaced where Representative Tom Suozzi in New York’s 3rd District said exactly that:
“I’m not gonna unilaterally disarm and not raise money the way I am legally permitted to raise money,” Suozzi said when asked about the thousands of dollars he’s taken from defense contractors, insurance companies and the privatized prison industry.
In other words, if it’s legal, Tom Suozzi will take the money. He hypocritically claims to support campaign finance reform and brags about an endorsement from End Citizens United PAC as if he’s a champion of anti-corruption. We’ve seen the End Citizens United PAC endorse many candidates who are swimming in corporate PAC donations while claiming they support anti-corruption.
Rep. Tom Suozzi is the epitome of hypocrisy. He’s the kind of corporate Democratic incumbent that Brand New Congress is fighting to replace.
The good news is: Brand New Congress is supporting a candidate who has mounted a strong challenge in New York’s 3rd District.
Unlike Suozzi, BNC candidate Melanie D’Arrigo hasn’t taken a dime in corporate PAC money and is building a powerful campaign fueled by the people in her district -- not corporate dollars.