Share your story and help Dignity in Dying win the campaign for assisted dying

Friend, personal stories can be so powerful in changing people’s minds.


To win a compassionate assisted dying law, we must change the minds of more MPs. Personal stories can show them just how transformative it will be to have choice at the end of life.

That’s why I’m getting in touch today, Friend:


If you have a terminal illness, will you take a few minutes to share your story and tell MPs how the blanket ban on assisted dying is affecting your life?  



I want to share my story with you, too. My name is Avril. I’m 51 years old and I’m dying from a rare form of cancer. Just a few months after my own diagnosis, I found out that my mum was also dying from terminal cancer. In the following weeks, I was by her side as she died an unbearable death – it was the most distressing thing I have ever witnessed.


I don’t want anyone else to experience the trauma of seeing your loved one suffer a prolonged and painful death, and I know I couldn’t go through what my mum did when my time comes. That’s why I’m campaigning with Dignity in Dying for law change – and I know how much my story can help.


We’re at a crucial time, Friend. With a general election looming we need to make sure that our campaign is stronger than ever and get more MPs to support our movement. 


But the fight will be hard. Our anti-choice opponents have many tactics up their sleeves to obstruct and delay our campaign, and Parliament won’t provide an opportunity for a fair debate on assisted dying if we ease the pressure now.


Friend, MPs need to hear the truth directly from terminally ill people, not baseless arguments from anti-choice campaigners.


Will you share your story and tell MPs what it’s really like to live with terminal illness, and what difference a compassionate law would make?



By sharing your own story, you’re helping to pile on the pressure for political leaders to make a public commitment to a full and fair debate on assisted dying in Parliament – that will get us one step closer to winning a compassionate law.


Sadly, I may not live to benefit from an assisted dying law in the UK, but I am so heartened that you’re with me to make sure that terminally ill people in the future will have full control over how they end their lives.




P.S: Join hundreds of terminally ill people who have submitted their stories - it’s easy, and you can write as much or as little as you like. Share your story now >>


Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:

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