
The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), is publicly declaring his intent to interfere in the American elections in order to unseat me from Congress.

In fact, AMLO said that he will start a public relations campaign in the United States against my bills to fight the cartels and “make a call to not vote for” anyone that supports my legislation.
As you know from reading my weekly campaign briefs, I’ve spent the past two months pushing hard to get my bill passed authorizing the use of military force against the Mexican drug cartels. 

My bill has gained serious traction in recent weeks, and AMLO has taken notice. 

All week long Mexico’s President has been holding press conferences attacking me and saying my bill is “irresponsible” and “propaganda.”

Now he’s threatening to campaign against me and anyone else who targets the Mexican drug cartels.

My response to the Mexico’s President is simple:

1. Bring it.
2. Get a grip. You should be campaigning against the cartels who are MURDERING your own people, not the Americans who want to help eradicate them.

We want to work by, with, and through the Mexican government to target the cartels. My bill authorizing military force doesn’t mean there’s an “invasion” or that we want to roll tanks into Mexico. It just means our President will have the authority to dedicate our military resources to help Mexico eradicate the cartels once and for all. 

This is a win-win for America and the citizens of Mexico. The only people it’s bad for are the cartels and the corrupt politicians who support them.

This is a huge opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to come together and send a clear message to the cartels and corrupt politicians who support them: enough is enough.

If you agree, I could really use your support. If Mexico’s President is going to use his resources against me in my election, I need all the help I can get. Any amount you can donate – whether it’s $5, $10, $25, $100, or the maximum amount of $3,300 – will help me continue building momentum for my bill and fight back against foreign interference in my election by AMLO and cartel money.
In Service,
Dan Crenshaw
If you'd prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable and mail to: Dan Crenshaw for Congress, 5900 Memorial Drive, Suite 215, Houston, TX 77007.

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