By John Wojcik

With the words “If right doesn’t matter we’re lost” the chief House impeachment manager, Rep. Adam Schiff, D., Calif., ended a day of testimony in the Senate chamber yesterday where lawmakers proved conclusively to anyone listening that President Trump is guilty of abuse of power.
Unexpectedly, at the very end of the day Schiff, in his closing remarks, blasted apart the argument so many in the GOP are making: “Yeah he probably did all these things but we have an election in less than a year so why remove him from office now?”
Schiff said he had to be removed because he is dangerous to the country and can do immediate and irreparable harm to the nation.
He insisted, with power and emotion, that “right matters” and “we’re lost” if we find that the president has done what he is accused of but we nevertheless say it is not a serious enough crime for him to be removed from office. That, he said, would be tossing aside the truth and saying that “right” does not matter.
“If right doesn’t matter—if right doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter how good the Constitution is. It doesn’t matter how brilliant the Framers were,” he declared....