As a dedicated member of #TeamLizzie, you know by now that your contributions power our campaign. And you don’t get much of a break from us in asking for your support.
That is because in a two-year election cycle, there is always an election around the corner. It is already less than a year from today that my name will be on the ballot once again! The Texas primary is one of the first in the country, and so we have to start preparing now.
One way you can make a big impact early on is by pledging a monthly contribution to our campaign.
When you make a recurring monthly contribution, you give us financial resources we can count and that we can plan our budget around as we prepare for the primary and general elections next year. And this time, your contributions will go toward not only winning in TX-07 but winning back the House majority. We see every day how important that is.
The first FEC deadline of the year is at the end of this month, and I’m hoping you’ll commit to a monthly contribution before then. $5 or $10 a month — or $7, a number I particularly like! — is especially helpful so we can plan our spending, our strategy, and our campaign for 2024.
Thanks for considering making a recurring contribution — and thanks for all you do!
Together, we can do anything

P.S. If you can’t pledge a recurring contribution today, we totally understand! Contributions of all types and sizes support our campaign efforts — and all are appreciated!