An important bill needs your help, as does the 2020 Dirty Dozen campaign.
An important bill needs your help, as does the 2020 Dirty Dozen campaign.
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: 2020 Dirty Dozen List preview, the "Fix App Ratings" bill, and more!

NCOSE Preparing to Reveal the 2020 Dirty Dozen List on February 6

No mainstream entity should profit from or facilitate sexual exploitation. 

Unfortunately, many well-established brands, companies, and organizations in America do just that. Since 2013, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has published an annual Dirty Dozen List to name and shame the mainstream players in America that perpetuate sexual exploitation—whether that be through pornography, prostitution, sexual objectification, sexual violence and/or sex trafficking. As a result, many victories for the movement to end sexual exploitation have been won.
On February 6, the 2020 Dirty Dozen List will be launched and we'll need your help to spread the word.
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We Need You to Help Push Congress to Pass the "Fix App Ratings" Bill!

We’ve made an easy-to-use action that allows you to quickly email, tweet, and/or call your elected Representative in order to express your support of H.Res. 721 (the “Fix App Ratings” bill) and to encourage them to support its passage.
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The Case for Wielding Obscenity Laws against Online Pornography

The desire for the Justice Department to deepen its involvement in prosecuting breaches of obscenity law has existed for some time.
In 2017, Patrick Trueman, the head of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and a former chief U.S. prosecutor for the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section at the Justice Department, wrote that “we are in the midst of a public health crisis caused by pornography, a crisis that could have been prevented by the enforcement of obscenity laws.”
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DoD Must Address Porn Culture in the Military If Serious About Decreasing Sexual Assault

Sexual assault will never end while human beings are seen as commodities.
Women will never achieve equality while they can legally be bought and sold.
The Department of Defense needs to understand this in order to meaningfully address sexual assault. The sad truth is that instances of sexual assault in the military have spiked despite years of efforts by the DoD to improve their sexual assault prevention program and victim reporting procedures.
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With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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