Dear Friend,
We’re really grateful for President Biden.
Politicians in Washington have been demanding cuts to Medicare, but President Biden is fighting back.
Even better, the budget he is sending to Congress today will lower prescription drug prices AND make sure Medicare is solvent for 25+ years.
The president’s plan is paid for by increasing the tax rate on people who make more than $400,000 a year. Asking them to pay just a little more is fair.
As President Biden said this week, “when Medicare was passed, the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans didn’t have more than five times the wealth of the bottom 50 percent combined. [It] only makes sense that some adjustments be made to reflect that reality today.”
Getting this proposal through Congress won’t be easy. Too many politicians say Medicare is too expensive, and they are even talking about raising the eligibility age!
Lisa Cutler
Director of Communications
Alliance for Retired Americans