The American Mind's Weekly Digest
Human Matters
Mary Harrington
The more time you spend online, the easier it is to believe who you are in relation to others is separable from who you are physically. In his recent book, How To Save The West, Spencer Klavan says of this phenomenon that “the most cutting-edge current expression of the body crisis is not the hormone injection but the digital avatar.”
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Anarchy in the CIA
Katya Sedgwick
The very agency that provided the impetus for the creation of counterculture saw the counterculture take over American institutions. The CIA now welcomes its spawn. Twenty twenty-three is the year when counterculture officially went spook.
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Livin’ the Meme
The Editors
As warring factions grapple for power behind an increasingly transparent veneer of control and serenity, everyday Americans find themselves subject to a chaotic and unhinged form of anarcho-tyrannical rule. Our editors analyze newly released footage that challenges the continuing hysteria regarding the events of January 6, 2021, and the rise and fall of both New York and Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot. Is anyone in charge of it all? If not, what is to be done?
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