Gov. Whitmer Announces Michigan Lottery?s $1.25 Billion Contribution to Support Schools Across the State?
LANSING, Mich. - Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer joined the Michigan Lottery to announce their $1.25 billion contribution to the School Aid Fund in fiscal year 2022. This marks the Lottery?s fourth consecutive contribution of more than $1 billion to Michigan?s schools.??
?The Michigan Lottery?s contributions to our schools over the last 50 years have helped students across the state succeed,? said Governor Whitmer. ?Lottery games provide Michiganders with a chance to win life-changing prizes and their purchases support local businesses and public education programs in their communities. I want to congratulate the Lottery team on their fourth consecutive contribution of more than $1 billion to schools across the state. These funds help us continue making historic investment in public education and give every student the tools they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond.??
The School Aid Fund provides funding for public education, including per-pupil funding, special education, at-risk programs, early childhood education, adult education, school lunch and breakfast, career and technical education, and more.?
Since 1972, the Lottery has contributed more than $27 billion to the School Aid Fund, supporting public education programs throughout Michigan. In each of the last four fiscal years, the Lottery has contributed more than $1 billion to the School Aid Fund, totaling nearly $5 billion to the fund since FY19. ?
?During the course of its 50-year history, the Lottery has raised more than $27 billion for public education in Michigan,? said Lottery Commissioner, Brian O. Neill. ?These incredible results would not be possible without the support of our players, retailers, vendors, and dedicated public-service professionals across state government.??
For each dollar spent on a Michigan Lottery ticket in FY22, approximately:??
63 cents went to players as prizes???
25 cents went to the School Aid Fund to support public education???
9 cents went to commissions for retailers and vendors???
3 cents funded the Lottery?s operations and administrative costs???
Under state law, all profits from the Lottery go to the School Aid Fund. The lottery is one of several revenue sources that support public education in Michigan.???
Education Budget ? Getting Kids Back on Track?
In February, Governor Whitmer released her Executive Recommendation for the School Aid Fund and continued historic public education investments. It includes the highest per-student investment in Michigan history for the fifth year in a row without raising taxes, landmark funding to help students and adults build critical reading skills, and free breakfast and lunch to all Michigan public school students. Education-related budget proposals include:??
$900 million deposit into a new rainy day fund for schools ? funds set aside for future budgetary needs ? ensuring long-term financial stability of the state?s public education system.????
$614 million to support school operations through a 5% increase in the base per-pupil that equates to an additional $458 per student, for a total of $9,608 per pupil.???
$318 million for school safety programs, building off existing school safety grant opportunities for districts and implementing cross-sector approaches to prevent mass violence through partnerships between schools, public safety, mental health professionals, and communities.????
$442.4 million to help students reach their full academic potential, including expansion of existing payments for literacy grants and literacy coaches.????
$300 million for tutoring through the MI Kids Back on Track program.????
$300 million to continue historic investments for student mental health to ensure students needs can be identified and provided with the right support.????
$257.3 million toward the goal of offering universal preschool to all of Michigan?s 4-year-olds, putting all children on the path to a brighter future.????
$195 million in recognition of the crucial role high-quality teachers play in the success of their students. Including continued support for the MI Future Educator Program (which provides a tuition free path for college students to become certified teachers) and funds to retain and develop existing teachers through mentorship programs.????
$160 million to help students thrive by providing free breakfast and lunch to all of Michigan?s 1.4 million public school students.????
$150 million to fund matching grants for school districts to modernize their bus fleet by switching over to electric vehicles.????
$120 million investment in various educator supports, including continuation of the MI Future Educator Fellowship, student teacher stipends and professional development.????
$94.4 million for literacy-related programs and activities in Detroit public schools.????
$79.9 million to continue expanded support for special education students ? a 12.5% increase in the current allocation.???
$66.5 million to provide a 5% increase in funding to support academically at-risk students, English language learners, and students in rural school districts.????
$64.7 million increase, for a total of $812.2 million, in funding for academically at-risk, economically disadvantaged students.???
$30 million supporting new math intervention programs.???
$25 million for additional supports for vocational education and career and technical education equipment upgrades.????
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