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Dear Jack,

Last week, All-American swimmer Riley Gaines visited Mississippi advocating for a Women's Bill of Rights. 

Gaines was on her way to winning a national title at the NCAA swimming championship in 2022 when she tied with a female-identifying, transgender athlete who previously lived as a man. 

In an effort to spread awareness of fairness and keep women in women’s sports, Gaines travels the country promoting women’s rights. She has gained popularity through her willingness to speak out against injustice and a large following on TikTok. 

Listen to her speech from last week's event below.

All-American swimmer Riley Gaines explains why only women should compete in women's sports. 
With the help of the Independent Women’s Forum, Gaines has been an avid proponent of a “Women’s Bill of Rights,” a growing phenomenon across the country. This bill codifies the definition of a woman and protects single-sex spaces. 

This legislation, titled “The Title IX Preservation Act,” had several versions introduced during the 2023 Legislative Session, but sadly all died in committee. Mississippi Center for Public Policy is hopeful for the bill's reintroduction in the 2024 Legislative Session and will be advocating heavily for its passage. 

If you are interested in attending our next event with Betsy DeVos, you can purchase tickets here
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All the Best,

Tyler B. Jones
Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs 
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