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Hi Family -

The new year is here and the DNC has kicked off 2020 with some incredible organizing! This week, the DNC launched “Battleground Build-Up 2020,” a new, multi-million dollar investment starting in six battleground states. More details about this first phase of our ground game build-up are below. 

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Battleground Build-Up 2020

The DNC announced “Battleground Build-Up 2020,” a new multi-million dollar investment starting in six battleground states (AZ, FL, MI, NC, PA and WI) to continue laying the groundwork for our eventual nominee and Democratic candidates at every level of the ballot to win the general election. 

We are so grateful to all of the staff, state leaders and grassroots allies who helped inform this process. There was no comparable investment at this point during the 2016 presidential campaign cycle. With so much at stake at every level of the ballot, our organizing can’t and shouldn’t wait. Additional states and funding could be added as the cycle continues. 

“The DNC is making historic, early investments to lay the groundwork for our eventual nominee to win in 2020. We are taking nothing for granted as we work to make Trump a one-term president and win up and down the ballot in 2020,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “These organizers, offices, and staff will help our eventual nominee grow their general election operation as quickly as possible and ensure Democrats are reaching out to every voter possible, starting right now. Donald Trump’s broken his promises, he’s hurt working families at every turn — and this program will help build the infrastructure we need to beat him.” 


Organizing Corps 2020

Organizing Corps 2020 is recruiting and training the next generation of organizers for the general election. Early field investments are critical to Democrats diversifying who is organizing communities and helping us win tough states in 2020. Which is why that investment started last year and we need your help to finish strong. This program is one of the best ways to make that investment and ensure the Democrats win back the White House and seats up and down the ticket in 2020 with a reflective work force.

Organizing Corps 2020 Wave 2 Bootcamp applications are live for Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. So make sure to apply today ahead of the February 5 deadline -- or forward this to a college senior who might be interested!




Muthoni Wambu Kraal
National Political & Organizing Director, DNC 


Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.  


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