Plus, why people travel to Mexico to get medical care, the ‘now you are a manager so forget about overtime’ scam, and more. Email not displaying correctly?
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** The One-Minute Meeting
Kidnappings in Mexico have focused new attention on U.S. warnings about traveling to many parts of our southern neighbor. The State Department names a dozen areas of Mexico that it suggests Americans either “do not travel to” or “reconsider traveling to” because of crime and kidnappings.
Close to a million Americans a year travel to Mexico for “medical tourism” services that are worth billions of dollars a year to Mexico. Medical clinics and hospitals there offer low-cost medical and dental treatments. American health officials warn the care is often unregulated.
New data from the National Bureau of Economic Research shows lots of companies are “promoting” workers to “management” jobs that really are not management jobs but instead a way to avoid paying overtime. The researchers found that the biggest categories of managers are those who are paid just barely more than the minimum to avoid overtime.
For all of the chatter about companies planning to move workers back to the office, new surveys of company executives now say 2023 will probably not see a return to the office, partly because workers want to work from home at least some of the time. Employers have very little leverage since new Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that nationwide, there are currently almost two job openings for every American looking for work. One new research project shows the best way to lure people back to the office is to provide fancy digs, including gyms, showers and dining options. Gee, what happened to the days when free coffee and a paycheck were enough to make us happy?
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