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Thursday, March 9th, 2023


Explaining the Unexplainable

Karen Kwiatkowski

The Cold War Racket Is Back

Jacob G. Hornberger

Real-Estate Bust 2.0: The Commercial Real-Estate Tsunami Has Arrived

David Haggith

Spying in Plain Sight

Andrew P. Napolitano

Rise of ‘Climate Brats’ and Other Useful Idiots

Doug Casey

California Dreaming—State Metaphor for a Failing Nation

Matthew Piepenburg

Pandemic Treaty Will Usher in Unelected One World Government

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Perth Mint Sold Billions in Diluted Gold to China, Tried To Cover It Up

Tyler Durden

Biden’s ESG: The BlackRock-Davos-UN Agenda Gets Smacked by Congress, States, Markets

William F. Jasper

Nord Stream Attack – ‘Officials’ Throw More Chaff To Hide the Real Perpetrators

Moon of Alabama

Cambodia Jails US Agents as US-China Tensions Rise

Brian Berletic

Mike Whitney Interviews Paul Craig Roberts About the Rising Tensions with China

Mike Whitney and Paul Craig Roberts

Political Theatre

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