Sign on to support our workers Friend, Chuck just introduced a new bill to empower workers and protect
unions: the PRO Act.
Now we’re trying to show there’s widespread, grassroots support for workers
rights across the country – but we haven’t heard from you yet. Sign your name to stand with Chuck in the fight for better wages and stronger unions for all workers. [link removed] SIGN ON → [link removed]
Team Schumer
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chuck Schumer
Date: Tues, March 7, 2023
Subject: The best way to strengthen the middle class: [link removed]
The best way to strengthen the middle class is clear: Strengthen unions.
That's why I just introduced the Protecting the Right to Organize Act -- the PRO Act. We're standing strong with working people across America. If you're with me, sign your name now to support American workers. [link removed] SIGN ON → [link removed]
Big corporations have seen record profits, but wages for their workers haven't
caught up.
One reason why is that corporations have devised schemes to undermine or avoid
unions. They try to line their own pockets before paying the people who keep
their business alive. We won't stand for it.
Millions of working Americans deserve better. Better pay, better sick leave,
better flex time, and beyond -- and the best way for workers to have a say is by
speaking together as a union.
The PRO Act would empower workers to fight back against anti-union practices and
ensure companies can't misclassify workers to avoid paying them benefits. These
are common-sense reforms -- but corporate Republicans are already speaking out
against workers' rights. We need to stand strong.
It was unions that created the middle class, and it will be unions that strengthen it. If you believe we must stand up for workers and finally strengthen unions, sign your name now. [link removed]
Chuck Schumer SIGN ON → [link removed]
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