From Daily Docket, Democracy Docket <>
Subject Voter intimidation scheme loses in court
Date March 8, 2023 11:02 PM
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Daily Docket — Wednesday, March 8

Here are some updates you may have missed from today.

A federal judge ruled that a robocall operation led by two conspiracy theorists ahead of the 2020 election violated Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act, the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1870, the Civil Rights Act and New York civil rights laws. The right-wing activists sent over 85,000 robocalls to discourage voters in predominantly Black neighborhoods from voting by mail in 2020. [link removed]

Voters in Burlington, Vermont, the state’s largest city, approved an amendment to their city charter that would allow some noncitizens to vote in local elections. In January 2023, the Vermont Supreme Court ruled that extending voting to noncitizens does not violate the state constitution. [link removed]

Here's what to expect coming up.

Next week, the newly elected Republican North Carolina Supreme Court will rehear the redistricting case Harper v. Hall and the photo ID case Holmes v. Moore. We'll be covering oral arguments live and bringing you everything to know.

Can’t get enough news? You can always find more details about these updates on our News Alerts page. [link removed]

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