
As millions of California residents flee their state and move to places like Texas, there’s really no question about which state is better for its residents. The Lone Star State has been one of the most profitable and opportunity rich states for decades because we’re willing to fight for our freedoms.

Newsom’s policies have punished California residents with billions in lost revenue because of extremist lockdowns, insane regulations, taxes everywhere you look, and defunding California’s police departments which allows criminals to control the cities.

Governor Newsom may think he can take on Texas, but nothing will hide the fact Californians are fleeing in droves to escape his atrocious leadership!
Maybe these are the reasons why Newsom can’t stop talking about Texas; just look at our Republican victories:

  • Increased funding for law enforcement to take on violent crime and drug cartels
  • Standing for freedom by blocking Biden’s unconstitutional policies
  • Supporting American Energy by investing in our oil and gas expansion

While Texas has been making strides, Newsom’s tenure has marked some of the worst times for California – infringements on freedoms, rising prices, and woke agendas are commonplace. Often being voted on by the non-citizens and unknowns, the Left loves to fight for…

I’ve been working to ensure Texas remains a beacon of freedom for our country, but I need your help to defend my work – pledge your support and make it loud and clear: we need MORE TEXAS and less California!
For Texas and America,
Beth Van Duyne